Letter 54

25 9 0

dear landon,
unrequited love, like romeo.

Hearing as the footsteps walked away I sighed heavily, that was landon lets just stop denying it.

"Maybe it wasn't him though!" My mind hesitated.

"Stop being stupid! It was him! Why did you even lie in the first place!" My heart bursted.

"Who do you think it was?" Yolanda concluded the battle and contemplation that stood within me.

"Isn't it obvious!" Chelsea yelled.

"I'm so sorry guys, I shouldn't have said that in a public place," I guiltily spoke.

"Well maybe some people shouldn't be eavesdropping!" Yolanda started.

"Maybe some people shouldn't be so harsh to others and lead them on with suppose unintentional actions!" Chelsea clearly spoke about me.

"You can't force someone's feelings!"

"You can try setting them slowly!"

"She did!"

"Well clearly we wouldn't have two broken souls within this house of that was the case now would we?"

It was then it stayed silent. Who was the other broken soul?


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