Letter 21

79 19 3

dear landon,

your right when you said you were going to be overprotective.

"What's up?" Landon asked as I finished talking to Lance. Lance walked away with a smile similar to the one present on my face.

"Nothing," I said casually but of course Landon being my bed friend could basically read my mind.

"What's up with you and drummer boy?" He raised his eyebrow. Lance was a drummer in this band called "unplugged." I've heard them a couple of times and they were okay.

"He asked me out!" I squealed. I gasped as I couldn't believe the inhuman voice he caused me to make out of excitement.


"Landon calm down! It's just a date!"

"Your not going!" He frowned.

"What?" I pouted, "Your not my dad."

"When is it?"

"Friday after school," I smiled once again.

"Great! I have a project to finish you can help me!"

"Landonnnnn," I wined.

"Clareeeee," he mocked.

"I'm going," I tested placing a hand in my hip.

"Now what is Mr.Twist going to say about that?"


I froze in my spot not moving.

"Clare?" Landon realized he said the wrong thing.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry I just forgot something for a second," I forced a smile.

"Okay," he said but he knew that I wasn't ready to talk about whatever was on my mind. It wasn't nothing major. I guess it depends on the person and their view on things.

"I don't think that I can go to the lake today. Tommorrow?"

"Yeah," he understood, "I'll tell the other guys you were busy.

"Okay thanks," I hugged him quickly before heading of towards my house.

I knew exactly what I was going to do when I got home.


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