Letter 43

36 8 0

dear landon,

dress to impress?

The moment I got to the Grand Via I knew that Chelsea was planning something.

"You guys!" She squealed. I had never hear her make a sound like that before so I was suprised.


"What?" Lance laughed.

"Okay so you know how tomorrow we are having a dinner well I say we all go shop for clothes!"

"With what money? You should've told us to bring some!" Lance yelled.

"I got that covered. Here, my gift to you guys that your B-O-R-R-O-W-I-N-G, got it? Good, now bye have fun!"

Suddenly she yanked me and Landon towards another store.

"Hey, I don't really feel comfortable walking into a boutique full of dresses..." Lance trailed off.

"Awww," I pouted, "I think you'd look cute."


"So you think he's cute?" Chelsea stopped and looked at me smiling.

"I think he should go shopping with Lance!" I argued.

All of a sudden Landon's eyes were popping out, "I prefer the dresses."

"Great! Let's go!" She once again grabbed us both by the hand and yanked us into a store.

"Hello, how may I help you?" A short lady asked.

"I'm looking for a dress for a wedding."

"How exciting! Are you the maid of honor?"

"Am I your maid of honor guys?" She turned towards Landon and I. The sales lady gave us a look of disapproval. Realization hit like a truck and all I could say was, "No I'm not getting married. Were looking for a casual dress for a dinner."

"Oh...great," she said unsure as to wether or not I was telling the truth.

"This is all we have for your we-dinner," she snarled while looking Landon and I's way.

"Oh I forgot we have to meet with Grace! Let's go." Chelsea demanded.

We walked out and she said "She's a bitch," making sure the lady heard.

"Chelsea! Don't be rude!" I told her.

"Sorry I can't be near all the anti-clandonon shippers."

"What?" Lance asked confused.

"Oh I forgot what I was saying."

We finally found a store with nice dresses that Chelsea decided didn't have mean ladies. Landon had left a while ago to go look for what he was to wear.

"This is really pretty! You have to try it on!" She told me, by not I had about five dresses against the hook of my dressing room to try on.

When I finally walked out after ten more dresses she said, "That is really beautiful..." She spoke in awe. "But here I promise one more."

I did as she said and walked out, "I'm going to be very honest here. I don't want you to get hurt. But you look uh very um how to I say this," she made a disgusted look and then smiled saying, "Perfect."

"You do too! When did you even have time to try on that dress?"

"I know how to multitask." I looked away from her and I saw a dress that I had tried on but I just didn't feel it work with me. And although it wasn't much it would be enough to outshine her beauty. I grave it of the hook and handed it to her.

"Here, try this on."

For once she did as I said and came out in it. I was right, it fit her perfectly.

"I love it!" I exclaimed.

"I do too," she smiled, "But hurry! We have one more thing to get!"

We hurried out into our regular clothes and hurried now into a shoe store. We looked for suitable footwear and then paid since we had to meet with Lance and Landon again.

"Did you guys get everything?" Chelsea asked Landon and Lance when we met with them again.


"Okay we have to get back now." Chelsea said as we walked towards a limo that Jose said he would send out for us since it was dark.

I got in and say next to Chelsea. There was a question I began to wonder and I decided to ask now.

"We never went to where Landon wanted us to go."

She laughed, "Where he wanted us to go or you and him to go?"

that was fun


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