Letter 38

42 15 3

Another update in less than 24 hours! New record! 😁

dear landon,

think outside the box.

The next morning we woke up and ate breakfast. And once again the maid, Sonia, gave us another note.

I'm going to let you all know now. This won't be easy. Well maybe it will. This first scavenger hunt testing your logic skills. Do you think your the best at it? Well now is your chance to see.

Clue 1:
Se ve la esencia de lo alto , pero mirando hacia abajo puede terminar tu vida. (You can see the essence from above but looking down can end your life)

Clue 2:
Lo ves azul, pero no soy (you see me blue, but in reality I'm not)

Clue 3:
I'm popular around here and I guarantee you you'll have a buena diversion, or good time, here that is, if you don't fear me.

Remember you can google translate it, but if you do it'll make less sense. And don't ask for help! I trust you all.
Good luck!

"This doesn't even make sense!" Landon complained.

"At least the last one was in English!" Lance spoke.

"Okay who has the best Spanish grade?" Chelsea spoke up,

"That doesn't even matter. It's who actually learned."

"I know my colors," Lamce offered, "the second one says something blue."

"I'm Hispanic but I don't understand anything," Chelsea complained.

"I uh I got this. So, I know Spanish my grandma is from Brazil. The summer I spent with her I learned a bit of Spanish and I wa-" Landon got cut off.

"Okay we don't care about your life story get to the point and tell us what it means." Lance interrupted him. At this point we were in the family room discussing the letter.

Landon gave him a quick glare then said, "The first one says that it's nice when you see it from above but when you look down...it can end your life?"

"Are you sure?'

"Uh...yeah, I'm sure."

"So this is somewhere high up but if you look down you might die..." I wondered off, "Maybe it's somewhere were there's like no railing to hold on to while looking down. But you can fall and die."

"I think we're on the right track."

"Okay the second one says that's it apes re blue but it isn't."

"The sky!" Chelsea beamed, "It is somewhere far up! What does the last clue say?"

"It's in English..." Lance gave her a look with curiosity.

"Oh that's right! Okay, well let's find this...place? It's a place I'm sure of it!"

"We have to let them know we're leaving." Landon told them.

"Ya like you have to tell your mom," Lance snorted. I looked at him with a unamused expression before saying, "I agree with Landon."

"Okay, sure lets go tell them." We found Yolanda and asked her to pass on the message for us. We had walked around the city for about an hour now. It was currently one o'clock so we had an hour to find this so called place. I didn't understand what it could be.

"I think we have to just give up," Lance suggested.

"No! Think! We have a brain we have to use it!" Landon lashed out on us frustrated.

"But it seems to not function!" Lance stood right in front of Landon.

"Guys calm down!" I scolded the what seemed like three year olds always at each other's neck.

"Sorry,' they both apologized.

"No! Don't apologize! Think! What is high and can cause you to fall if you're at the edge?"

"A mountain?" Chelsea said.

"Because there's so many mountains here!" Landon spoke sarcastically.

"Landon stop," I told him softly, "We'll figure it out. We have plenty of time."

"Now what's blue but isn't blue?" I spoke up again.

"The sky, I've said this," Chelsea said.

"I know for a fact the sky is blue," Lance smartly spoke.

"Actually," Landon now calmly spoke, "She's right." I concentrated and thought of what that could mean. I had no idea what it could possibly be. Unless it's talking about the reflection.

"It's water!' I exclaimed.


"Yes, it reflects all the colors of the rainbow but blue and that's why it appears blue. It has to be water. Is there a water park here?

"I bought we passed by one like three blocks away."

"Let's go!" Landon sprinted. We struggled to catch up behind him. But the time we did we were out of breath and panting. I wasn't in shape at all whatsoever.

"Okay this is it," Landon who was in perfect shape spoke. We looked around and saw the lake looking water. It couldn't possibly be it.

"But it doesn't make sense smart one," Lance bitterly spoke.

"Hey you guys! Look!" Chelsea waved us over. What we saw kept us astonished. It was beautiful. And this was exactly the place that marks the X.

"Theres a statue looking thing which means it's far up and if you go there you can fall and die. There's water which looks blue but isn't. And there's people who are kayaking so it's a good place. And it's called 'Bueno Retiro Park' and in the third clue is said 'buena diversion' but if your afraid of it or water then it's your fear." Landon walked around to find the place to rent a boat.

"Hola! You guys did it!" Mrs.Ramos congratulated us.

"Yes all thanks to Clare for helping us especially with the second clue." He walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. For the first time in a long time I had him within a foots distance without him being upset with me. Call me a creep but I inhaled his smell that I longed for ever so suddenly. It was an appealing smell that I couldn't help but ignore.

"So since your the first group here then you get the extra credit. We're also going kayaking and you'll have a longer time to do so while I wait for the others. Do any of you not want to?" No one obtained and we all agreed to do so.

"Okay so Landon and Clare are you going together?" She asked. Most likely since we were standing next to each other.


"Okay, go get yourself signed up and I'll sign your waiver." We did so as told and we went kayaking. It was an overall fun experience I didn't know how tot swim so I'll admit I was a bit scared but we wore life jackets in the end. Landon and I also joked around and he threatened to flip the kayak over when I accidentally splashed him. However with him I felt safe.

patience is key.
sorry for being creepy by the way.
you just really do smell good.


Hello, if your reading this vote and comment what you think please💘

P.S. Have you ever gone kayaking? It's fun :)

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