Letter 17

75 19 0

dear landon,

that walk in the park turned out to e much more funner than expected.

"How long do you think it'll take before they come?"

I pondered on a question before saying, "5 minutes."

"You're on! I say... 15 minutes."

"Alright, what do we bet?"

"Well bet how long it takes for one of you to fall for one of us-"

"Excuse me?! I'll have you know I won't non-reject someone 'till I have a stable career in college!"

Smirking he chucked, "Sureee. Okay then looser pushes the winner on the swings and buys them lunch tommorrow."

5 minutes later both boys ran catching up to us as I gave Tom an "I told you so look."

"You cheated!"


"I bet you texted them telling them to come in 5 minutes," he teased. Well I clearly can't take a joke.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Race you to the swings!" I ran. Tom intended to run as well until I kindly reminded him, "you have to push me and buy me lunch."

"Aww," he wined. There were 4 lonely swings so we all ended up getting one as we raced to see who could swim the highest. Sadly I came in third to Landon and Brad.

"Haha loser!" Landon said as he won me. I used strategy and didn't try to swing too much until Landon seemed tired. Then we all started again making me win Landon coming in second place once again to Brad.

"Haha loser!" I mocked him.

"Don't flatter yourself, you still need to beat Brad!"

"Alright I'll go against Brad. Oh and Tom," I called causing him to look at me, "You owe me."

Maybe I cheated a little. But with the help of Tom -or should I say Landon who pushed Tom away saying he was stronger- I won.

And well I love wining things but doesn't everyone?

thanks for everything looser.


p.s. you know i'm kidding. love you loser!

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