Letter 62

17 8 0

dear landon,

i remember you first telling me about your dad. i recall every single detail and the way your mouth moved as you spoke and your eyes talked as your lips moved forming words. i guess that's where we connected, both having complicated relationships with our parents.

"So what's your story?" I asked, "Do you have any siblings."

He smiled at the ground, we sat in our usual spot by the lake we had visited frequently this first month in school. "Just some really annoying younger siblings who love to complain. And my mom too she's just always working and saying that I like when I say she doesn't look fat in a dress. I mean I'm being honest she looks great!"

I laughed silently amused at his reaction and replied, "Girls will be girls, we have our insecurities just as we have doubts."

"Yeah and I mean I'm the only dude in the house. Besides my little brother and I mean...my dads a different story...I guess you can say I don't really talk to him nor does he have any desire in contacting me. But I guess it's a long story in reality."

"Well I've got time you know but don't feel as if you have to tell me," I assured him.

"I trust you," he smiled looking at me directly in the eyes then asking, "Or do I have a reason not to?"

"Of course not, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, you showed me life during my first days in town and I will forever be grateful to destiny for putting you in my path."

"Alrighty then, so my dad's name was Christopher. Hence my middle name. He was a charming man. Attracted lots and many woman. But he was a business man, loyal in fact. Now he wasn't a business man as in he owned a huge incorporation. Nothing in that matter, he owned a restaruant. And everything went well. Customers were never decreased so it was always up and running. Everyday the minute it opened there was already reservations being placed and right before it closed there were reservations being confirmed for the next day," he laughed recalling the

His eyes glimmered in astonishment as he was brought back into the past speaking, "It was a beautiful family but only because it was a happy family. Just myself and my sister as well as my parents. The perfect life you know, living in a small town with peacefulness surrounding you, not having to worry about anything just your inner peace," his voice silently stopes speaking as he fixed his composure.

"But when I was around five years old my father had received a call from a hospital in Minnesota. They called stating that my grandfather and grandmother were involved in a hit-and-run as well as my uncle Wes. They were in critical condition and there were low chances of them making it through, and my father had to go as the one who is stated responsible for the right of kin. They had suffered different injuries that I will never know about but what I do know is that it took their life within a couple of hours."

"It's okay," I hugged him leaning against his chest softly.

He sucked in a deep breath, "Like any other person he didn't take it well and started drinking. Turned into a hell of a father. Took out his anger and got into fights at the bar with a chair. If anything my father was a dad of honor, never the one to touch someone unless it was self defense or a hug and such. He would come home drunk at times after work while it was dinner time. Eventually my mom got tired and kicked him out of the house and they got divorced. Eventually she got full custody and I haven't seen him for 11 years. He tried to communicate with us plenty of times but I don't think I'm ready to face him. He hurt my mom those times he came home with half a mind. After their divorce we were forced to move into a smaller house and my mom had to get plenty of jobs, suffered severely from anxiety and depression. I just can't forget that."

"Do you forgive him?"

He took a deep breath in as he thought looking at his surroundings, "I don't agree with the saying "Forgive and forget." But yeah, I forgive him I guess but I'll never forget. I don't think I'll live a happy and healthy life with grudges. And from my perspective he's not worth my happiness."


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