Letter 46

25 9 0

dear landon,

i really hope you find it in you to forgive me for what happened in the previous letter. the events that did occur might not be in your memory, yet. maybe you forgave me, maybe not, all I want to accomplish here is sparking some memories and i'm trying so hard. i have trust that you will be alright. as a mater of fact I'm going to go check on you right now.


Authors note: this short story was started exactly a year ago. I didn't have many reads or vote but now I have over 1k reads! That's insane so thank you all who take your time to do so. I'm always curious as to if anyone has read the previous part I written so I check and I see maybe 9, or 2 eyes and 1 star. Silent readers? Or maybe someone is not reading this? Oh wait I am. I don't write this for the reads or the votes but because love writing even if I may not be good at it. And I really enjoy seeing that some people actually do like it as well. I'm working really hard to get this story to a certain place which is I'm not sure exactly where but I want to get more ideas evolved into it in a way that makes sense. I just realized that the authors note is longer than the letter. Sorry. Love you!

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