Letter 29

46 16 0

dear landon,

i really like starbucks. i know you said that my obsession isn't healthy but my cup is on the nightstand next to my bed as i write.

I knew I shouldn't be going on the date after what happened with Landon but I just couldn't make up an excuse to Lance again. Why did Landon care anyways?


I turned my gaze slightly upward as I locked eyes with Lance. He seemed eager to leave as I got there. Must've been excited for some reason since when I got there he immediately took ahold of my body to his into a tight embrace.


"Yup," I faked a smile. All of a sudden I didn't feel like going for coffee but I wanted to go after Landon instead.

"You have Spanish class right?"


"Were you picked to go on that trip to Spain?"

"Oh I don't know I haven't checked."

I took out a paper from my bag as I unfolded the messy folds. We had gotten it at the end of class and I was too busy trying to chase after Landon that I hadn't read it.

I looked at the paper scanning the list of people who were chosen. But all my eyes could focus on was the two names there.



Hopefully he would not be mad at me but the time of the trip.

"Looks like it!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Finally! I thought I was going to miss your presence there."

"How do we know who else is going?"

"There's suppose to be a meeting tomorrow during lunch."

"But we all have different times," I wondered confused.

"During the Senior lunch. At 12:15. I'm missing Algebra!"

"I think I'm missing...physical education..." My brain clicked.

"Cool! We can see who to hang out with on that trip. Well we can also hang out if you want..."

"Yeah..." I thought of Landon and how he wouldn't approve of that.

"So what are you getting?"

I realized after all the turning and crossing streets we had arrived at wonder land, Starbucks.

"A Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino."

"You don't like coffee?"

"N-no " I stuttered embarrassed, "but I l-like Starbucks!" I grinned.

He smirked, "Alright then. I'll go order just find a seat."

I nodded as I walked away. He came back after a short while with two cups. I looked at the name Lance scribbled on his as I took a sip from my sup.

"Thank you."

"No problem," he have me that smile he did when he was happy.

"So..." He began the conversation with a topic I wasn't at all too interested in.

I kept nodding and smiling at random times as I tried to stay engaged into the conversation but I couldn't help but think that instead of drinking coffee I should be confronting Landon.

you would have known what i always order wouldn't you?


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