Letter 49

24 9 0

dear landon,

your a little biotch sometimes you know?

Tonight was also the night we were having a dinner. I wouldn't be able to avoid Landon. But we didn't have seating arrangement so I didn't have to sit next to him either.

I got to Mr.Santos house and climbed up the stairs to my room I shared with Chelsea. Opening the door I walked in, luckily no one was here. I looked at the time which read that it was currently five in the afternoon. Today was our last night here and so far as of now it had been an absolute dream not counting the "my friend got mad at me" part. I was very bipolar when it came to confronting things. I didn't know how to face Landon tonight but I had three hours to think about it. No one was here at the moment, they were probably in the backyard enjoying themselves.

I sighed and decided to go take a shower. Earlier when I left I had gone for a walk at the park and I also went running since apparently I got caught up in a marathon. I just wanted to take a walk through the city of Madrid and somehow I walked in and a girl with numbers ran. But then before I knew it a herd of people were running trying to catch up. I was caught in a marathon and if I didn't join I'd be trampled. But how was I suppose to know? Wasn't the track suppose to be blocked off with a rope reverting people from coming in?

After I was done I got out the shower and thought if I should wear the dress or not. It was bought before I knew about Landon, but still, it wasn't trying to impress him was I? And Chelsea bough it for me so therefore I have to dress in it. Making sure that no one was here and the door was locked to enter the restroom I put the dress on as my hair struggled to stay wrapped up in the towel. I looked into the mirror, turns out in order to be pretty the only key was to feel pretty and right now I didn't feel it.

I sat on the chair as I took my hair out of the towel I grabbed the blow drier and decided it would have been best if I put on the dress after I had done all this but I never had anything important to do but for some reason I feel like I had to make it up to myself. And also my mom had called while I was out and while I told her that I wasn't sure about dressing up she said that I would stand out and that even if I wasn't dressing up for Landon then to dress up for myself.

I went into the room again and opened one of the three drawers I occupied and pulled out a random button up shirt and shorts. I grabbed my laptop too and opened Spotify while pressing a random playlist to listen to. I grabbed the blow drier and dried my hair.

When it had dried I curled my hair and put it up with pins while slightly braiding the front parts to make it circle my head in a crown.  Looking a the time it read 6:40. So I had exactly an hour left.

Once I was done with my hair I waked out to retrieve my dress until I noticed Chelsea.

"Clare your hot looks so hot!"

I laughed slightly, "Thank you."

"Are you not wearing make up?" Yolanda who was also in the room asked.

"No I don't know how to do it..." I said embarrassed.

"Well let's get your make up done!" Chelsea who just needed to put on her dress spoke.

I was dragged into the bathroom once again and was pampered like a princes with different things being put onto my face.

I had spoke out on how I didn't like makeup this morning so I found myself only wearing minimal makeup. This time the eyeshadow was combined a it went onto different shades of pink. Yolanda was very good at this she chose the colors while Chelsea put it on.

"Now the dress!"

I took it off the hanger I put it on and slipped it on while Yolanda and Chelsea had left. This time I looked into the mirror and I did look pretty, because I felt pretty.

"We have to go!"

"Coming!" I yelled as I grabbed my plain black heels and put them on. Luckily it was only about an inch or two so I was able to walk in them. I just hoped I would do okay walking down the stairs.

I walked down the stairs successfully while holding into the rail as I finally made my way down.

"You look beautiful babe," Lance looked over me while saying as he came and kissed my cheek.

I faked a smile saying, "Thank you, you look good too."

It was then that Landon descended down the stairs, he had a pissed off look on his face that screamed for no one to look at him. To be honest I only saw him wear that expression when a game of his was about to happen and throughout it. He was very serious when it came to soccer.

Realizing Lance was still holding onto me I tried to make my way out but it wasn't soon enough since Landon whispered, "She's faking it all," as he passed us.

what was i faking?


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