Letter 32

57 16 0

dear landon,

sometimes you just have to go for it.

Today our flight to Spain was scheduled to leave at approximately 2:35 in the afternoon. I was currently in the passenger seat in the car next to my mom who was driving me to the airport.

"Are you sure you want to go?"

"Yes mom. I'll be fine. I'll call you as soon as we land," my voice said sounding as a broken record.

As I saw us approaching the 'DROP OFF ONLY' sign I grew nervous. Going to Spain was a once in a lifetime experience. Not many people got to go and experience it's wonders as we were about to do. Being from the same small town it got boring often.

As my mom stopped the car I heard the loud sigh escape her mouth as she pulled me into an unexpected hug and quietly sobbing to herself, "Oh Clare! I'll miss you dear. Promise me you'll stay safe?"

I smiled comforting at her, "I will."

"Alright dear. Well let's help you get your bags off before you miss your flight," she sniffled before wiping a few of her tears.

I got off the car and took out my two bags as I bid a final farewll to her. I walked inside looking for someone I knew. It was very rare for me to travel to plane so I had no idea what to do. I think I had to go check in the bags or get a tag on it or something. I remember it was explained to us before but I was so tired that day that during class I struggled to keep my eyes open.


I turned around to see Lance pointing my way as I tried to walk towards them. But with all the people here it seemed as if they were all in a rush to get on their plane since according to the board that read the departure times a flight was leaving in the next five minutes. Weren't you required to be here an hour before?

"Hey," I sighed as I finally managed to maneuver my way towards him.

"Did you get your bags checked in yet?"

"No," I looked down to both of my sides to see my luggage strolling with me.

"Let's go do that." He helped me by taking one of my bags and made sure to help me with anything I had to do or fill out. We got back to the group to see everyone talking amongst themselves with smiles and some were even bickering.

"Okay class! Our flight will not be leaving until an hour but it is always important to be here earlier than expected! Please get yourselves into the group you will be spending this trip with!"

My heart stopped in my chest. I only saw as everyone else smiled and greeted each other with happiness. But my feet were paralyzed onto the ground I stood on. I waited for Lance to move but when I looked to my side he must have thought I was following him because he wasn't there. I took a deep breath and looked for the boy who has been ignoring me for what seemed like years.

"Hey," I quickly looked up to meet his gaze before looking back down at the floor.

"You didn't get lost?" Lance chuckled, "Sorry I thought you were behind me."

"It's fine," I spoke looking up with a smile I forced onto my face.

"It's cool. But if you wouldn't have found us I think I might have gone running around the airport looking for you. This trip would never be as fun without you."

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