Letter 40

32 10 1

dear landon,
friendship, not romance!

We had spent the day outside playing volleyball and swimming in the pool. We had also gone to a local park to walk their dog. They didn't have a dog until it was given to them today. We were chosen to name it. And after a game of rock, paper, scissors I got to name it. It was only about 3 months old, but I decide to name him Timmy. When we were having dinner at six o'clock we were given what seemed to be the last scavenger hunt letter:

Okay as my gift to you. I know this is suppose to be a scavenger hunt. But this will just be told to directly. The place is called "azalp ed selebic" It is spelled backwards. Now your job is to figure out what it is saying.

Good luck!
P.S. See you there at eight!

"What does it spell?"

"Let me see. Uh...it spells Cibeles de Plaza."

"Let's go before it gets dark."

We then walked out the mansion. We had asked for directions before leaving and we seemed to be arriving at our destination once we crossed the intersection. There was a beautiful fountain in the center. When we crossed the street I approached it while there's left to who knows were, I was in my own world. Seeing it now at night it looked very beautiful.

"I've heard it was named after the goddess of nature. They say she is the most important symbol of Madrid," Landon spoke softly into my right ear.

"Oh really," I looked up at him smiling.

"Yup. It's very beautiful isn't it?"

"Yes," I laughed looking down.

"Like you." He spoke the words and I looked up capturing his gaze. I observed his eyes and how the lighting of the stars made them sparkle. I noticed his hair and how it was in a very nice quiff in the front. But most off all I noticed his lips and how they seemed to be coming a closer distance to mine and I didn't mind. When they were at the point of reaching mine I was already turned towards him and with my hands around his neck while his hands were on my waist. As his lips reached mine they became one as they molded against each other.

We pulled away soon and I could feel the heat on my cheeks and his I couldn't say looked any difference.

"I-" he started off.

"Yeah..." I awkwardly stood with my arms hugging my torso.

"Um well I gu-"

"Hey! Let's take a picture!" Lance screamed across the park.

"Come!" Chelsea hollered.

We walked towards them to were a sign said "Palacios de Linares." I looked over the sign where it explained it. At this hour it was already closed so it would be reliant enough.

"...The Palacios de Linares was built many centuries ago by a rich banker. However, a century later it fell but was recently rebuilt. It now serves as an art gallery for Latin American Arts..."

"Hey," I jumped as Lance placed his hand around my waist, " Did you know that it is said to be haunted by the first owners of it. They said that he has now made a fortune in the afterworld."

"Ha," I tried faking a laugh to hide how uncomfortable I felt with him holding me.

"Don't worry though, I'll protect you," he smirk while his hand which still remained on my waist gave me a tight squeeze.

"Uh o-okay," I stuttered. I looked around and saw that Landon and Chelsea were in their conversation engaged. But soon Chelsea turned to me and smiled while nudging Landon. Landon smiled but it soon faded as he noticed Lance's hand position on my waist. He sent a glare in his direction as I mouthed "what do I do?"

"Let's take the picture!" Chelsea pulled us all into a cramped space. I stood in between Landon and Lance while he still held on to me. As a tourist passed by she asked, "Excuse me can you please take a picture for us?"

"Si," he smiled. Chelsea walked over to I'm between me and Lance and hugged me, "Isn't this fun?"


"Smile!" The guy told us.

When he took the picture we thanked him again and walked over to where it seems we had to meet.

if you never remember that then this is awkward...

the moral of this story or of this letters isn't romance so don't really expect anything big or major. yet. because you never know.
but am i the only one freaking out because they kissed?!?

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