Letter 41

29 9 0

dear landon,
touring was fun.

Today was our free day so we decided that we'd all chose a place to visit and split our time in four different ways as we all decided a place to visit. We had decided that the first place that we'd go to visit was the "Temple of Debod" which was a destination that Lance was eager to visit.

"I am a part Spanish ya know. And my family always comes here to Madrid to visit every 8 years. So the last time I actually came here was 9 or 10..."Lance was saying while him and Chelsea held a conversation for probably the first time. Although I hate walking since I am lazy I still agreed to go walking everywhere. Although, it might take forever to get there the places we strolled though could never be seen from where we are from.

"So where do you want to go?" Landon asked while putting on his sunglasses as we walked to our destination.

"I wasn't really sure you know, there is a lot of wonderful places to go here... but I found this really cool place like it so..."

"Beautiful?" he finished for me.

"It's much more than that. But what about you? "

"My destination is a secret."

"Oh, Excuse me!" I laughed.

"Hey babe!" Lance yelled, "Clare!"

I looked up, "Yeah!" I yelled when I noticed the gap between us. He waved me to come over. I walked up to him as Landon trailed from behind me. I noticed that we had been walking and had now arrived.

"Hello welcome to the Parque del Oeste." I smiled out of courtesy as the man greeted us in. Not many people seemed to be here.

"It's funny how they greet us in English and not Spanish," Lance pointed out

"It's a major tourist attraction, they are told to," Landon acknowledge.

"This is it." I looked up and saw what seemed to be, random unfinished buildings. But the water surrounding it was astonishing.

We spent about an hour there and we sat by the grass sourly sing it as well as the four of us had casual conversations. But then it was time to go and Our next destination was where I decided to go, Plaza Mayor.

can't wait to write about the next destination

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