Letter 65

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dear landon,
it's true that promises are meant to be broken but when i told you i would visit you i meant it.

I paced around my living room contemplating for the millionth time if I should go visit Landon. I went over all the possibilities and reasons and even prayed that I would do the right thing. But in the end I settled on just taking a chance as I grabbed my car keys and made my way towards Landon's mom's house. As I drove down the street the house was located in I felt the heart in my chest skip a beat as I got closer to my destination.

I could spot the house from a mile away as I parked right in front of it. I spotted one car in the driveway that I recognized as Landon's sister but considering that his mother's car was gone I assumed they were out for breakfast. I got off the car and walked towards the front door and took a deep breath as I rang the doorbell. It was suddenly opened by Sonia, their housekeeper.

"Oh my goodness!" she yelled out, "Miss. Clarissa!" she pulled me into a hug immediately.

"Oh my gosh Sonia I know you missed me but please don't take away my air," I laughed as she let me go.

"I'm so sorry Miss. Clarissa but what are you doing here may I ask? Mr. Landon has been released from the hospital for over a week." she finally asked allowing me in.

"Well, first of all can I ask, is anyone home?"

"Besides Mr. Landon no of course not," she whispered.

"Well, when he was first taken to the hospital I ran as fast as I could but Mrs. Rhodes wasn't so happy to see me, especially since apparently it was Georgina's place to be there. But Lucy kept me updated throughout the entire time he was in a coma, when he woke up, and when he was released. But enough about me, may I ask, how is Mr. Landon doing?"

"Well, Miss. Clarissa I have always preferred you over Mrs. Georgina. She's cunning and manipulative in a way that she always tries to find ways for Mrs. Rhodes to be on her side. Here take this and hurry before they're here.  I'm sure you remember your way out the kitchen door, and Michael will be more than glad to see you and help you out, you remember the way don't you?" She panicked as she shoved a stack of envelopes in my hands.

"After being here so many times how can I forget my way around," I assured her. I quickly walked up the stairs and turned to the right as I walked into Landon's old room before knocking slightly.  After a couple of seconds, I went in knowing that despite his mother never agreeing, Landon had an open door policy towards all the house's staff. I stood at the door frame as Landon looked up from his laptop before asking, "Who are you?" To know something and to face the reality was two different things, I knew that Landon had lost his memory but standing in front of him as he questions who I am was not only something that was still shocking but rather hurtful.

I composed myself quickly and smiled, "Hi, I'm Clarissa, your friend. I am aware that you might not remember me but we met in High School, I was a freshman and you were a sophomore and were friends. I came to see how you were doing and to give you these-" I held out the envelopes before continuing.

"How do I know you're not lying? A girl named Georgina claims to be my girlfriend yet from all the pictures my mother has shown me she has not appeared as more than a friend, and you haven't appeared in any," he interrogated me.

Shocked I took a step forward as he took one backwards. I took my phone out of my pocket and quickly unlocked it as I pulled up the most recent picture of us. I was wearing ugg boots so I was slightly taller standing right below his chin. My then, jet black hair was in a bun as a scarf was wrapped around my neck. He was wearing a black shirt with black skinny jeans and the most hideous shoes I had ever seen, I remember he claimed they were the best shoes known to humans. I had my hands tied around his neck as I buried my face in his chest smiling thankfully. He had me tightly as he smiled proud.

"This is the last picture we took together, it was on um Christmas Eve and you had just given me a puppy," I looked him in the eyes handing him the phone.

He hesitated as he took it from my hand whispering, "I actually look happy. I rarely look like this in any of the pictures my mom shows me."

"You're a happy person Landon. That's why I lo-like you. You're a good friend."

He looked up at me and handed me the phone, "Well, I don't know why but I feel like I can trust you, there's just this unexplainable feeling that makes me feel...safe, so I'm going to go ahead and say you're trustworthy. And well, I guess you already know but I'm Landon," he laughed a genuine laugh. A laugh that I hadn't heard for so long.

"Oh before I forget!" I opened my purse and took out the stack of envelopes.

"Wow I guess I do have a guardian angel, my mom caught me with these and took them away but I never got a chance to read them."

"Well, just so you know I'm the one who has written them, and I guess your mom to say simple, isn't really a fan of mine."

"How come?"

"Well, start reading and you'll find out soon."

"I'll get started as soon as I can, which I guess is any time soon since I'm stuck here all day. Let's see..." he trailed off as he took the first one from the stack and opened it reading it out loud, "Hi."

"Well, I'm not that good of a writer actually and I just didn't know how to start writing," I laugh softly.

"Well thanks, but anyways I just heard a car pull up in the driveway so I'd say you should be leaving now."

"Thanks for the heads up and also expect a letter every day I'll ask Sonia to help you get them."

"Okay well you should go unless you want to hide in my closet ad hear Georgina and Lucy complain about how horrible their time together went."

"Georgina, another person you might not want to tell about my coming here, considering she's your girlfriend she might not want to hear about me. That and the fact that she knows me too and not for the right reasons."

"What about Lucy?" he asked.

"Well I have a way of wowing the sisters so I guess you can say Lucy loves me and I love Lucy." I laughed pathetically at my joke.

"Who would've known you were this funny," he laughed.

"I take pride in it but I really have to go."

"Bye Clarissa," he waved.

"It's Clare by the way, I hate being called Clarissa."

He laughed, "Bye Clare."

I walked out and quickly made my way down the stairs until I went into the kitchen door only to hear a pot drop by Michaels surprised look.

"Miss. Clarissa!" he yelled out as he came to greet me with a hug immediately, "You were here for Mr. Landon?" He questioned as I nodded.

"Well your secret is safe with me but Mrs. Rhodes is about to come in any minuet. She's hosting guest over tea and you know how perfect everything must be, do you remember your way out?"

"Of course, it was nice seeing you again Michael." I hugged him one last time as I made my way out and successfully got to my car unnoticed. Felling successful I smiled as I started the car and made my way back home.

i told you landon. when there's a will, there's a way.


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