Letter 4

351 31 3

dear landon,

do you remember those times when you would yelled at me that i was just a insecure little girl? well i guess i am. actually no, i don't guess that i am, i know i am. let's make a list about all the things i am insecure about.

-my eyes (my vision is bad but I guess glasses do help you improve it. but I tend to wear contacts more than often now. i really hate how my brown eyes are simple compared to your full of light color ones. you would alway tell me how yours were no different since they were also brown. but you don't see what I see. the way that they would turn dark when you were angry or full of lust. sadly I never got to experience the last one. but I did witness how they turned a light hazel brown when your smile was sincere or you were genuinely happy. sometimes even when you were very upset or you felt sympathy for someone)

-my teeth (i don't like the way that i had a bad bite leading to me getting braces but i guess after 2 years they were as good as they get. i remember how you cuddled with me the night i got them because the pain was unbearable)

-my height (i know i'm 5'3 but that is small compared to your towering height of 5'9 that's why you always called me your munchkin didn't you?)

-my weight (i guess that it's not that bad considering i stand at 5'3 and i weigh 135 and you would always tell me how physical traits didn't matter to you. it really looks like that was a lie)

-my thighs (no i'm not one of those girls who wish for thigh gaps but i do wish that they would be smaller)

this one isn't something that i'm insecure about physically but it's something about my personality that I can't change.

-the way i trust people too much (i rely on people to much to always be there for me but in a second when you least expect it,there out of your life. just like that)

-clare (yes we can go back to clare since you never called me clarissa even when you were mad at me)

p.s. i might have kept writing munchkin and then erasing it for a total of 10 times but then i remember that you probably won't even remember you called me that

the last part is a clue as to what might have had happened. 😉😉 predictions??

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