Letter 55

27 7 0

dear landon,

happy news! so according to dr.wells you are in much better condition than you were a month ago. so basically you are in a stable condition where you rarely black is out again. however, you still don't remember me. so far the only people besides your mom and sister that you remember is, stephanie and dylan. i'm not sure who they are, but your sister kept the promise she made in keeping me updated regarding your progress. she says you met them while you were in kindergarten and you speak of how they came to your birthday party and all you did was thank your mom.  landon, your barely remembering things from the age of five. we met when you were fifteen. i guess you can say that i'll have to wait ten more years to meet you. but i'm willing to wait more if that's what it takes. i care about you, i really do.

love always,

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