Letter 60

22 9 2

dear landon,

the doctors said that you had four weeks at the most to wake up. you did within a couple of days, 3 to be exact, 52 hours if we're being serious. yet those 3,120 minuets were torture to my brain as i prayed for you to be alright and begged for your eyes to open, for that smile to shine once again. for your laugh to ring throughout the hallway of the distinct hospital i refuse to want to be in. i spent every second from the moment you feel into a comma contemplating if i should go home or not. i doubted my self being yet i never doubted your capabilities. it was 187,200 torturous seconds that ticked by tempting me to give up. but i fought every one of them, i refused to give up. and this i can say payed off in the end. it did and you woke up. you woke up confused at first as to why you were there. and i'll tell you why you were there in the first place, i was going to tell you, but then you frantically try to speak and nothing came out. you pointed to the water immediately as i scurried to serve you some and brought it towards your lips. finally, your voice was able to croak out, "who are you?"


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