Letter 30

59 15 1

dear landon,

it hurts you know. it hurts when you ignore me.

Lance was right because the next day during seniors lunch we had to gather in Mrs.Ramos class.

"So everyone present here will be going on the trip to Spain. Understood?"

Everyone cheered as I saw a couple of people I knew from my other classes.

"There will be 24 of us going on the trip only 6 people from every grade was chosen. So if you are standing right now in this classroom consider yourself lucky. And I've also got to say I'm proud of you. It was difficult to choose who would go but I know that I chose the best students. Now there are 6 houses meaning 4 of you will be staying in each one. It is like a foster home in a way where you will be staying with a family only there are well trusted families who participate in the program."

Who knew who I would have to go with. Hopefully I knew at least one of the three people. My luck was kind of messed once Mrs.Ramos stated to say who would be in house four.

"Now staying with the Santos family we have Clare, Lance, Landon, and Chelsea."

At the sound of my name my head snapped up and looked at the teacher as she hades us a packet. I held it in my hands as I looked through it. There was 4 pages. The first page contained who would be with what family. The second one contained pictures of the house and the third and last one contained a letter. I read it in my head in silence.

Dear Clare,

I have been notified that you will be one amongst your other peers, Landon, Lance, and Chelsea to accompany me and my family on your trip to Spain. I know you will be a marvelous girl who deserves to go on this trip. My wife Teresa, and my two kids Yolanda and Carlos and I await your arrival. Have a safe flight!

Con Carino,

Jose Santos

I flipped the page to read the other letter. This one seemed to be the same length if not longer.

Dear Students,

I've organized this trip to Spain because I thought, "What a better way to learn Spanish rather than to be a tourist in a Spanish country. I went though all the posibilites: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Brazil. But I settled on Spain. I know every Latin country speaks different types of Spanish but I have trust that you will learn the proper was to speak Spanish by the end of this year which is soon.

Best Wishes,

Mrs. Ramos

It looks like this trip would be interesting right?

i think i deserved being ignored though.



The spacing is so messed up in the letter! I dislike the wattpad app at times like these!

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