Sparked Attraction

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It's been a few weeks since you started your orientation. Everyday is the same routine.

You wake up, do your morning workouts, eat and go to practice in the dojo until Kanae's ready to train. Train until late at night and then repeat the next day.

Today marks another day of that. Another day of pain. Dealing with kanae has been a pain. Very much so.

She tries to act all giggly and touchy with you like everything is normal. Which to her it is, but you don't really want to be her "close buddy" so you barely reciprocate.

Your heart feels betrayed like it's been broken, you felt stupid. You actually thought she took you seriously.

But then your logic understands that even though you're 40 on the inside, you're basically a child still. So her not taking you seriously is expected.

"I doubt she cares what I think of her, so I need to try my best to stop caring about her also" You whispered, slowly closing your eyes.

Due to each other's actions, the two would simultaneously come to a conclusion that since the other is detached they should also detach themselves

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Due to each other's actions, the two would simultaneously come to a conclusion that since the other is detached they should also detach themselves.

Which would lead to them being more distant towards each other. But fate has a very naughty way of bringing people closer together. A way of using their bodies to amplify their heart's feelings.

* * * * * *

It started a few days after that. It was another day with the same routine throughout. But it was abnormally hot that day.

Standing in the dojo with two wooden swords pointed against each other was you and her.

You wore normal black pants. But since it was hot you decided to go shirtless.

Kanae also didn't dress all coated up as she normally did. She simply put on a light white gown that highlighted certain parts of her upper body. Which is fine since it's her house and it's about a billion degrees outside.

"Come whenever you're ready," she said.

Now, normally you wouldn't read any meaning to it. It's just words afterall. But today you were a tad bit more distracted as you saw more of her skin that usual.

Of course you always thought she had a nice body but you never saw them this exposed

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Of course you always thought she had a nice body but you never saw them this exposed.

"Y/N-kun? Are you going to attack?" She said taking you out of distraction.

You closed your eyes and breathed in.

'Come on, don't be a degenerate. Have some discipline' you thought, open your eyes and breathe out.

"Here I come!!" you said.

Without hesitation, you pounced.

The duel began and you were going hard at it. Violent clashes of wooden swords could be heard from far away and things were moving incredibly fast.

She wasn't as physically strong and definitely not as fast as you but her technique was so deep that one body strike to the wrong place could mean lights out for you.

You didn't have time to think or get distracted. Your attack, defense and the strategic 2 seconds rest periods before meeting her clashes were all left to muscle memory.

All thoughts were out of both of your heads and didn't notice anything except each other's swords.

Too focused to notice that all her twisting and turning had gotten her gown tangled and eventually she suddenly tripped, bringing you down with her.

"Ah!" She screamed as she hit the ground.

You were not in your right senses, you felt your head being stuck in something soft and squishy. Like a pillow made of clouds.

"Uhm" you moaned quietly. Smiling like someone high on weed.

Your battle spirit was shut and your reasoning became nonexistent. You took a nice long whiff and it smelt divine and feminine.

Nothing you've ever felt before. You just wanted to stay in this position for a long time.

"Um, Y/N-kun?..." You heard Kanae's embarrassed voice.

'oh shit!'

Your eyes jolted open and your reasoning was revived. You realized that the soft, squishy pillow made of clouds was really Kanae's breasts.

"I- I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean to do that!!" You got up, apologizing immediately. Bowing repeatedly, the earth cannot contain the size of this blunder you just did.

'Im fucked! I'm really fucked!! She's a Hashira. She has more power than me. If she says something to the leaders. My ass is grass!!'

Kanae on the other hand, got up in a calm manner and fixed her gown.

"Uhhg Uhhg" she cleared her throat.

"You do not need to apologize, Y/N-kun. It was my fault for tripping and bringing you down with me"

She handled the situation calmly in contrast to your flustered state.

"A-are you going to complain to the higher-ups and have my promotion declined?" You asked, but you really didn't want to hear her answer.

"What??" She made an astonished face. "I'm annoyed that you think I'm that type of person, Y/N-kun,..."

"See, things happen when we get carried away. It's nothing new under the sun. " She smiled.

"Besides..." She ran her hands through your hair before coming down to your cheek slowly stroking it with her thumb.

"It's not like we have prodigies like you falling out of trees now, is it?"

There was silence. You were just trying to harden your resolve in order to stop caring about her. But she's not making it easy for you.

Truth was, Kanae didn't know why she did that either. She just felt the urge to touch you and gave in.

"T-Thank you very much. Kanae-san. I'll be more careful." You bowed.

"Anyways, I'm tired. I think that'd be it for tonight." She said,

"No problem, goodnight" you replied.

As she was walking away, she called you.

"Hey um, Y-Y/N-kun?..." You heard her voice. It was soft and timid all of a sudden.

"Make sure to take care of that once you get to your room. It's been bulging at my direction for a while now" she said before disappearing.

Probably because she felt embarrassed telling her student to "take care of that".

Obviously it didn't take a genius to know what she meant as you looked down at your cock pushing violently against your pants.

"Oh God, just kill me already,"

A/N- Hola👋! Ciao👋! Bonjour👋! Long chapter, ain't it? Hopefully it doesn't feel like that. Anyways, thank y'all so much for the support🙏🙏🙏.

Read numbers that took me a year to pull on my last HunterxHunter book, I got in less than two months in this one.

I'm truly grateful for y'all ☺️. I'll keep working hard and try to not let the numbers have an effect on me because they're up now and they can fall off at any freaking time. See y'all tomorrow.

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