Unveiling the Upper Moon

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Uzui bent down to see Tanjiro trying to keep his sister in check.

"Isn't this your demon sister from the other day. Nezuko Kamado?"

"U-um yes she is."  He answered timidly.

Uzui's eyes narrowed, his jaw tightened,  "THEN WHAT WAS THAT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT AT THE MANSION! NOBODY SAID SHE COULD BECOME A FLASHY DEMON!" He screams at Tanjiro, almost as if it's his fault.

Tanjiro's shrank back, gulping hard, unable to meet Uzui's gaze while still barely keeping  Nezuko in check as she kicks her legs. 

The situation was so light hearted that for a moment he forgot that they're just about to be killed by an upper moon who was standing behind Uzui, seemingly just as perplexed. The threatening atmosphere a moment ago has miraculously dissolved.

"Get her under control, okay? Things will get messy if she hurts someone around here!" He says before Nezuko boxes him through the hole in the wall onto the street. 

With the kid gone, Uzui got up and focuses on the demon he'd been ignoring all this while.

"You're the second hashira, the one my servant was talking about! Once I kill you, I can present you to him as an exchange for the other one's life. He'll be my pet."

"You mean Y/N? I met him on my way here actually. He's no longer your hostage. He's just waiting for his buddy to bring his sword."

"Ah? You're getting desperate lying to me like that. I won't spare your life regardless~" says Daki.

"I mean, you can't spare anyone's life when you're dead, now can you?" Uzui says in the most uninterested manner ever and as if on cue, Daki's head drops onto her lap as her knees dropped on the mat.

"Ah?... Is that my... My head!? It's been cut off? How? But I'm an upper rank!"

"Really? No way a weakling like you is actually an Upper Rank."

"I'm really an Upper Moon.! I'm Upper Moon Six, Daki!" she protested to him. Ironically trying to prove to him that she's strong.

"Then why's your head on the ground right now?" Uzui asked.

She looks at him in disbelief.

"But I am an uppe-"

"Not believing it." He cuts her off.

The humiliation. The sheer audacity of this human to look down on her. She couldn't hold it , she bursts into tears.


As she kept crying, for some reason she's still not disintegrating. Yes, she's weak but like Y/N said, there's something strange about this demon.


'Whats up with her?' He thought.

"ONIIIICHAAAAAAN!!!" Daki cried an ugly wail that felt like it was heard around the world and Uzui had cover his ears. 

Uzui was about to find out just what was up with her. Because by the next moment. He could make out what seem to a different body separating from her body.

'thats it! That's that aura'

On go.

As soon as his eyes could even register what was going on to his brain. His body moved instinctively. 

Every vein in his body agreed that this thing needs to die the moment it shows itself. Not waiting for this new being to fully form, swung his cleavers at his neck.

* * * * * *

"You cry all the daaamn time and I have to do everything for you."

The new threat emerges as he grabs his sister's head. Immediately putting it back together. He's doing it so calmly as he's turning his back, not worried about whoever's behind him. The civillians hugged eachother in fear, tears in their eyes as they looked to Uzui as savior. 

The hashira on the other hand is absolutely bamboozled. He's just as confused as the helpless citizens he's saving. 

'uh? What is that thing? Is it the demon we've been looking for all this while. The one Y/N was talking about? It has to be. It's speed is off the charts!!!'

The demon's continued, tone unbothered and patronizing, "You need to take care of your face, you can't get hurt like this. Since you were born with such a pretty face."

Uzui posts up again for another attempt and zaps through the air launching his body at the demon, who now was paying attention to him.

They clashed and even though Uzui attacked, his head still got slashed. Gyutaro was fine though. 

"Uh? Not baaaad." a smirk played on his lips. He turned around his ghastly skinny frame. Grotesque and almost creepy face.  

"I was aiming to kill you but you deflected that right there. I bet you're really strong too huh? You're so handsome and you have a nice body, you're pretty tall too..."

'That speed, this pressure. No doubt this is an upper moon!'  Uzui thought. 

The two stood almost parallel in height, though they couldn't look more different. Beauty and Uglyness. Both seemingly of equal danger. Though one of them thinks otherwise. 

The demon glances at the people crying. 

"You're their hero. Even though you're so weaaak"  Gyutaro said.


Uzui was surprised at what he heard and a bit stunned.

He's a hashira, did this demon really think he's weak?.

Gyutaro kept talking.

"Where's the other insect? I felt his aura once."

"The hell are ya talking about, you ugly creature" Uzui retorts

"The other one you're here with, I couldn't gauge his power accurately but I felt it briefly, he seems like more of a pastime for me."

'Y/n, he's speaking of Y/n.'  Uzui realized.

Gyutaro smiles as he continues,

"You're such a weakling and the fact that you have so many people who look up to you and you're handsome too. Girls practically throw themselves at you huh, even- even though you're so worthless!!!" 

As he spoke, every single word he felt to Uzui as if worms were crawling on his body. The wide grin on his face, the crying civilians in the background and suddenly the wind was getting much louder. 

For the first time in his life, Uzui felt fear. Though he stared daggers right into Gyutaro with conviction. He's a an esteemed hashira afterall.  

 "Yeees... I will kill you." he continues,  "I will wring your neck and have your intestines out on the ground. I will twist your body round and round until it cuts in two." He posts up with his sickles as Uzui gets ready to be attacked.

"Because...my name is Gyyutaro!!!" he launches at Uzui as the two clash weapons.

The inevitable final battle has been kicked off as the angels of death loom over our heroes' heads.  How will it end?


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