Detritus of Luneph

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•Written by Arjoe Talento

-------> When they got home, they slept in their rooms and in the morning when Catherine woke up, she is determined to find Louis' space ship he died in and wants to find him. While they were eating breakfast, Francis gave her a letter that he found in the mail before they started eating.

*Francis: It's supposed to be mine, but when I saw the author; you read it instead.

-----> Catherine opened it and saw the author is Dasha, saying;

- Well, it's been a while... I have relocated the remains of Luneph.
Although the Waxing Gibbous is about to be a Full Moon, It'll be there."

---------> Catherine decided to report this to PAARLSC. The company didn't do that much.

*Catherine: Hey, Francis- Look at this!
*Francis: So there were still remains left... Albert didn't showed us. Why don't we track it, Lady Catherine?
*Catherine: Sure!

------> The two (2) finished their food and started talking to eachother to know what to do.

*Francis: Our goal is to find him as soon as possible.
*Catherine: But we're just two people! It'll take a long time!
*Francis: I know someone who can help us... He is your childhood friends and Louis'- Stephen Daya.

-----> In PAARLSC, there are dorms where the flight controllers stay before their duty. Stephen has a dorm there and his shift starts at 6:00 pm to 4:00 am. They decided to pay him a visit. [In PAARLSC, you can visit anyone, as long it's not their time for shift, except for the astronauts - Law 76: set by David Kennedy]

Catherine knocked on his door and opened it. While Stephen is taking notes about the Waxing Gibbous, Catherine tried to engage a conversation with him.

*Catherine: Stephen! Uhm... It's been a while.

-----> Stephen is not turning his head or body to face Catherine. She looses her cool and raises her voice;

"Turn around for once!" Stephen finally turned around and said: "What do you need from me? I can't release any information about Louis, if you want to know ask your-"

*Catherine: No, not my brother. Please, I want to find my husband and the space ship he rode.
*Stephen: Fine.

- Catherine went back from PAARLSC's dorm area to their house and told Francis that he joined to help. Francis also told her that he found the location of the remains.

"Moon, I found it on the moon."

*Catherine: How?
*Francis: I am not sure, but I know that Dasha was talking about the moon. "Although the Waxing Gibbous is about to be a Full Moon, it'll be there." So it might be there.
*Catherine: Don't you think that's too far away?
*Francis: It might take a long time, but this is important. We need a plan.
*Catherine: I hope we can do this!

------> After 2 months of planning.
They finally have a plan. They snuck in the office.

*Catherine: I hope they don't see us.
*Francis: Yeah...
*Stephen: If we get caught, I'll get fired. And don't worry I'll help you.

They prepared and they were off for take off, Stephen was operating from their planet. He already knows he'll be fired. Stephen realizes that is was under the basement of their company.

----> Stephen and the others took a look at the basement and sneaked in.
Although it was protected by PAARLSC's guards.

They only found a detritus and a remain- The emergency room 2. It was just a size of a portable cubicle that you see in public. They carried it. Eventually that's an act of stealing.

*Francis: We need this, this may carry lots of information.
*Catherine: We need to be fast or else we might get caught.

[They hear footsteps]

*Francis: That's them. Quickly! Hide!

-----> Catherine and Francis hid but Stephen didn't had enough time to and got immediately fired.

-> Catherine and Francis examined the remains. When Stephen knew he'll get fired, he told Francis and Catherine that to leave him behind.

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