The President

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*Written by: Athena Guarda

In Continent Five, Grafomynd is the only country that has a representative democracy system. The other three countries has a monarch. It is currently September 9 of 1886.

Before leaving for the market, Elizabeth is holding the daily paper and smacked it on Abigail's head.

"Wake up, I am pretty sure you know what day it is." From the smack of the newspaper, she woke up.

"Of course I know what day it is, Ms. Elizabeth." Judging from Abigail's tone of voice, she's obviously still sleepy from the time Albert and she slept.

"Wait, what day is it?" Albert questions.

"It is my birthday!" Abigail stood up.

---> Albert didn't respond.

*Elizabeth: Since you're 29 now, what do you want for your birthday?

- Abigail points to Albert with a smile on her face.

"I want Albert to take me to a date!"

"Say what now!?"

"Do not yell! And I want it just to be us."

*Catherine: Hey, uhm. Ms. Elizabeth, Francis, Stephen, aren't we supposed to go to the market?

*Francis: Oh yeah, I totally forgot.

*Stephen: I want waffles, so let's go.

[Rumors say, Stephen never got his waffles.]

---> The three left with Elizabeth leaving Albert and Abigail alone.

*Albert: Just a question. Were you serious about that request you want for your birthday?

*Abigail: Does it seems like I am joking?

*Albert: Are you sure though?

*Abigail: Come on, it is just for my birthday.

*Albert: Fine. Where do you want to go.

*Abigail: A café will be great! Ooh! I wanna try the café that just opened yesterday! I heard they have delicious cookies!

*Albert: If there is cookies, I am going. What time?

*Abigail: Now!

*Albert: I'll get dressed.

---> As they are both prepared, they went out. Café Mythos is the name of the café they are going to. They talked, they ate food, drank beverages, and made Abigail filled with joy. Even though Albert was only forced, he enjoyed most of the time. When it was time to go home because it was about to be lunch and Abigail has to cook; they left. By the time they left, they took a walk home for it is only a few minutes to walk back. But then, there was a soldier of Grafomynd who came to them.

"Excuse me, do you know who these are?" Said the soldier showing a list of the four's names.

"Yes, I am one of them." Said Albert.

"All right then."

---> Albert and Abigail seems confused in why he and the others are wanted.

"You, miss... Tell me where the others are."

"I know that they are in a market but I do not know which one." Abigail said in confusion.

"Thanks for the piece of information."

"What is going on? Why are you trying to find us?" Albert questioned. He started to also get worried because he thinks that the license that he made was caught fake; yet his paranoia was true.

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