Curse of the Gibbous

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*Written by: Athena Guarda

---> September 6, 1886.

----> The death of Evelyn was revealed to the public. Stephen and the others stay at the palace while Phoebe prepare something for them... Stephen is sitting down on a sofa in the library while Francis, Alice and Margaret went somewhere. Catherine and Albert is with Stephen.

*Catherine: It's September 6.

*Stephen: I know.

*Albert: What time are we going to the thing you call "reflection mountain"?

*Stephen: When the waxing gibbous raises.

---> Catherine grabs a book in the library and read the title out loud...

*Catherine: "Curse of the Gibbous" what does that mean?

*Albert: Oh. That talks about the tales where if people met on the day the waxing gibbous will be illuminated, they will most likely become a couple and their relationship last years but the woman in the relationship died first then the man will either die from self-martyrdom or being killed.

*Stephen: Another classic from my father. He wrote that.

*Catherine: Oh.

*Stephen: Honestly, I don't believe in that. My father says it's real but I do not believe in it.

*Catherine: So, the waxing gibbous means death?

*Albert: No. It means "a time for reflection" like a time to reflect back on what you did in the past.

*Catherine: Ah.

*Albert: But ever since Sir Sullivan wrote that book, people world-wide started dying like how it was from the book.

*Stephen: Did Mr and Mrs Salieri met on the day of the waxing gibbous?

*Albert: I don't know. Did Mr Salieri even die yet?

*Stephen: I don't know.

*Catherine: Stephen, when did you met Evelyn?

*Stephen: Well, it was March 8.
Under the waxing gibbous.

*Catherine: You might be the next victim.

*Albert: Don't say stuff like that.


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