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That's what she deserves, I kept thinking, trying not to regret what I just did to her. I knew I hurt her but she did even worst to me. She kissed me to finally tell me she regrets it. Why? Is she still in love with Esteban? I kept kissing this random girl on the dance floor and the only thing I was thinking about was the kiss with Victoria. It felt so good. Better than what is going on right now with this girl. I opened my eyes a few times to only see Victoria, still at the bar, where I left her, watching me kiss this girl.

I turned back around to look at the bartender and try to ignore Pedri behind me. A tear dropped on my cheek but I instantly wiped it. No tears are going to come for that man. None.

The bartender looked at me and then at someone standing behind me. I turned around to see Sira. She was standing there, looking at me with her eyes full of sadness. I repeated in my head that no tears were going to come because of Pedri.

I shook my head to Sira and her eyes looked even more sadder. She then pulled the stool next to mine, the one where Pedri was sitting, and sat on it.

"I saw everything," she said. "Ferran and I saw everything," she added.

I only shook my head. No words were coming out of my mouth. It felt like I had no voice.

"Pedri told me he hates me...fucking hates me."

Those were the only words I told Sira before asking the bartender to refill my drink and shugging it to feel all the alcohol erase my thoughts. Erase my pain. Then I stood up and walked across the club, leaving Sira at the bar and giving Pedri one last look. His eyes met mine and it felt like before, when we both hated each other.

As I was making my way through the door to leave, someone grabbed my arm. I didn't move, I only kept looking forward, scared to see who was holding my arm.

"I missed you babe," Esteban's voice rang in my ear.

My heart dropped to the floor and my hands started shaking. I turned around to see Esteban smiling and waiting for me to say anything. I felt weak. I searched Pedri with my eyes but I couldn't see him. I felt alone, unsafe and scared. I looked back at Esteban whose eyes were full of hope.

I started to lose my vision and see all black in front of me. The sound of the loud music was fading and my legs felt weak.


I was watching Victoria walk away. Her eyes were full of pain. The pain I gave her because she gave it to me first. My heart was slowly beating faster as she was walking away until someone grabbed her arm and stopped her.

The girl I was dancing with kept blocking my vision to see who the person stopping Victoria was. When I finally got a clear view, I noticed the person was...Esteban. Victoria wasn't saying anything to him. She didn't look okay. I slowly started making my way toward her and Esteban while the girl who was dancing with me followed me.

As soon as I got near, Victoria collapsed in Esteban's arms. She fainted.

"Victoria," I screamed from the top of my lungs but the music in the club was too loud.

"Victoria," I kept screaming while Esteban was taking her away.

I couldn't move forward toward them because there was a group of people blocking my way so I ran back to the group to find Sira or Ferran. I kept looking back at Victoria in Esteban's arms. I didn't know if I was doing the right thing because I knew Victoria wasn't safe with him.

When I arrived at where my friend group was, I stopped to catch my breath.

"What is happening?" Pablo asked worried.

Ever Again|| PedriDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora