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I was waiting patiently in my office for someone to knock at my door. For Sira to come. I was fidgeting with my pen when I finally heard the knock on my door.

"Come in," I said loudly enough for the person outside to hear me.

Sira opened slowly the door as if it was a surprise that she was coming. My smile grew bigger when I saw her smile and I jumped from my chair to hug her. The hug I have been waiting for weeks.

"Ohh," Sira said hugging me back thighly. "I missed you so much Victoria."

"I missed you more," I said pulling away. We both sat on the chairs in front of my desk and smiled when we looked at each other.

"Let me speak first," Sira said taking a deep breath.

"I forgive you," I immediately added before she could say anything else.

"I know. I know you do, but I'm terribly sorry. You didn't deserve a word I said," Sira said, sadness filling her voice.

"Sira, it's not your fault. I thought of everything you said and I get it. I didn't know about the breakup and I should have been there for you. I can't imagine losing..."

I was about to say losing Pedri when I realized that it was happening.

"Victoria, you didn't even know. I got angry at you and mostly at Ferran who didn't tell any of you. I was angry at everyone and was heartbroken. I didn't mean anything I said."

"I know," I answered. "I know you didn't mean it. And listen, sisters fight. It's normal and in the end, they always forgive each other. I'm sorry too that I wasn't present enough. You needed me and I was nowhere close."

Sira gave me a sympathetic smile.

"I forgive you too and I am here now, ready to listen to what is going on with your relationship with Pedri. And I need to say one thing, I'm so happy it's over with Esteban. You got rid of him," Sira said all cheerfully.

I explained to her everything that happened with Esteban and how I got "rid" of him. I then showed her the negative comments and messages that led to the place of my relationship with Pedri.

"These people don't even have a sense of respect. Of anything. What the hell is wrong with them?" Sira said angrily. "You should never listen to them or read these messages. They don't deserve any of your attention."

I smiled because I miss having a supporting best friend here for me.

"Do you think I made the right choice with Pedri?"

"I don't know but I know that you listened to your heart. No one can make a decision like this one this easily but you did because you listen to your heart and I am proud of you for that. I'm sure this break will heal things and fix them. But you shouldn't be feeding the crowd too much after. When you guys are back together, just live your life. Love Pedri for you, not for them."

I nodded at her words.

"How is it going for you?" I asked her, trying to be slightly discreet. I want her to tell me more about how she is feeling about her breakup with Ferran.

"I healed Victoria. I needed this time alone to heal properly. I've been through hell and back in my life, but this breakup really destroyed me. Now I want to live my best life and forget about it. Ferran still has such a huge part in my heart and maybe one day he will be the one, but for now, he isn't and I have to move on."

I smiled after seeing Sira happy. She truly was after this horrible breakup that I haven't recovered from.

"Let's go out then. Let's have fun," I proposed the idea.

Ever Again|| PedriNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ