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It has been now 2 days since the dinner at Pedri's parent's house. Our relationship has been going well. Nothing to complain about. Pedri keeps only showing me what a true relationship is. Something that I never had before with Esteban. Talking about Esteban, he didn't make an appearance back. I expected to hear about him by now but he hasn't said a word.

As usual, Pedri and I go to work together in the morning, when his training begins at the same time as my job and we come back home later in the day together. I usually wait for him at his training and watch him perform until Xavi sets him free. Pedri and I got lucky enough to work at the same place because I wouldn't see him as much if we didn't.

We end our night eating dinner and chilling in the living room while I search for an apartment. I have found a few ones that are near Pedri's house and my work that interested me and by the end of this week, I will go visit them and decide if it's the right one or not. I knew Pedri wanted me to stay here forever but taking things slowly has to be the best way to build this relationship perfectly.

I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram with Victoria by my side looking at some other apartments when I received a text message from Ferran.

I think Victoria needs to talk to Sira. Could you tell her?

I frowned my eyebrows and read again the message. What is going on?

"Vic, look," I said giving her my phone so that she can read Ferran's message.

As I read Ferran's message, I immediately went on my phone to check the message that I had sent to Sira a few days ago about the Esteban situation. No response.

I had completely forgotten that she didn't answer me and I did want to call her and ask her why wasn't she answering but I had forgotten with everything that has been going on recently. Pedri's parent's dinner, my apartment haunt, the whole moving process, and work. I just forgot about Sira.

"Shit," I said out loud and Pedri looked at me even with more confusion.

"What is going on Vic?" He asked me.

"I...I forgot about her. I wanted to reach her somehow to ask her if she was fine since she hasn't answered me for the longest time now. I haven't talked to her since that night at the club...I think."

I placed a hand on my forehead. How the hell did I forget my best friend...my sister.

Pedri took my hands into his and gently pressed a kiss on both of them.

"It's okay babe. It happens. Please don't blame yourself, you already have a thousand things on your mind. I'm sure talking with Sira will help a lot and I will talk to Ferran as well."

I nodded and hugged Pedri tightly.

"I'm going to call Sira and invite her here. Is that okay?" I asked Pedri.

"Yes, perfect idea. And I will invite Ferran," Pedri replied.

I quickly walked to the kitchen and called Sira many times until she finally answered.

"Hello," Sira said.

Her voice wasn't as usual.

"Hi, Sira. Can we talk? Is it okay if you come over to Pedri's house?" I asked her.

"Sure, give me a few minutes to get ready and I will come after," she answered me with still her different voice.

"Perfect," I said.

I then walked back to the living room where Pedri was and he told me that Ferran didn't want to come at first but he convinced him to.

After a few minutes, Ferran knocked at the door. I opened it and as soon as I saw him, I hugged him tightly in my arms.

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