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I was finally done getting ready when I went downstairs to my golden boy. Pedri was sitting on the couch facing the television when he turned toward me as soon as he heard my footsteps.

He looked speechless when he saw that red dress on my body. It was the first time that I had worn it in front of Pedri but it was my favorite dress. It was a simple but not too casual or chic dress. It was the perfect in-between dress for a dinner like tonight. I knew I had to bring it with me when I packed up my things yesterday.

"Wow...hum...you're gorgeous," Pedri said without leaving his gaze on me.

I smiled as we both walked closer to reach one another. I looked up into Pedri's admiring gaze that was made just for me and pressed gently my lips to his. I felt his hand touch my back as he made a circular motion with it.

"How lucky am I to have you as my boyfriend?" I asked him while keeping my smile and seeing his appear.

"I think the wrong person is asking the question here. I should be the one asking you that."

I let out a giggle and hugged the man in front of me.

"Ready to leave?" He asked me as I heard him laugh.

"Ready," I answered as I looked up again at him and thought of how grateful I am to have him as my man.

As Pedri pulled into his parent's driveway, I looked at the house that he used to call home. Since Pedri and I met, I have never come to this house. Pedri only invited me to his home so it was my first time here. It felt like he was opening a new door of him to me and I loved that.

"Pedri," I said before he got out of the car.

He turned his whole body to face me and worry appeared on his face. I took both of his hands into mine and smiled so that his worry would disappear.

"I love you so much my Pedrito."

He looked at me with his loving eyes and his smile took up his whole face. He then placed a hand on my cheek and said, "I love you more Vic."

I kissed him and we both looked into each other's eyes until we got out of the car and walked to the front door of his childhood house.

Pedri knocked at the door and a few seconds later, Fernando, his brother opened us the door. I got to watch Pedri hug his brother and it made me think of mine. I already missed Liam so much.

I as well hugged Fernando and told him how much I missed him because it has been a while now since we haven't seen each other.

When Pedri and I followed Fernando into the house, which felt like a second home to me, I noticed the smell of the amazing food Pedri's parents cooked. I smiled at the way this house felt so homey and welcoming. It was such a simple family house that held onto so many memories. There were pictures everywhere of Pedri's family and in each one of them, everyone was happier than ever. There were also pictures that I recognized from Pedri's first game with Barcelona and pictures of him winning the golden boy award. I smiled each time I saw a picture with Pedri's smile.

When we finally reached the kitchen, which was at the end of the house, I immediately hugged Pedri's parents before he even got the chance. They almost screamed with joy when they saw me and neglected the fact that their son too had just come. I laughed at the welcome that I got from them, especially from Pedri's mother who wouldn't let go of our hug until Pedri cleared his throat. Pedri, of course, hugged his parents after I did.

"I am so happy you are here Victoria with Pedri. I missed you so much," Pedri's mom told me. "You and Sira are daughters to me and I love always seeing you," she added as Pedri and I looked at each other and smiled.

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