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I got ready for the dinner. I was excited to see my friends and spend some time with them as if I didn't see them a few days ago, other than Pedri.

Esteban was nicely dressed. I was happy with the effort he was making to spend time with my friends, especially with Pedri. It was everything I ever wanted from him. To change and he was.

When we arrived at Ferran's place, I went into the kitchen to help Sira put the table. Sira, Ferran and Esteban had ordered food from my favourite place so there wasn't any need to cook anything. Pedri and Pablo hadn't arrived yet so Ferran and Esteban were talking alone in the living room while I was helping Sira.

"Sira I am so happy. You don't understand. Esteban changed. He is better now. I'm so happy and I feel like I erased the past," I told her with excitement.

"I'm so happy for you sis. I can see the happiness shining from you. You deserve it Victoria. I guess the one-year effect changed Esteban. I can see it too, his change," Sira told me.

I smiled at her words when someone knocked at the door. I felt my heart beat faster as I followed Sira to the entry. Ferran was opening the door for Pablo who was followed by Pedri. My heart melted when I saw Pedri's smile as he was hugging Ferran. He looked just like a dream standing there. His smile lighted my world. My heart. Pablo hugged me while Esteban and Pedri gave each other a fast hug. Then Pedri's eyes stopped on mine. I felt butterflies all over my stomach. That wasn't a good sign. I slightly smiled and saw Pedri's small smile appear on his face. We hugged each other quickly and I walked back to the kitchen to take a deep breath. I felt Sira follow me.

"So...what were you saying about Esteban? Huh?" She asked amused.

"Please stop," I said calmly while placing a hand on my forehead. "What am I going to do?" I asked her.

"I saw the way you both looked at each other. Nothing has changed."

"Yeah, I know. Thanks for helping," I tell her while finishing putting the last plate on the table.

"You still like him?" Sira asked me seriously this time.

I sat a seat and she did the same.

"If you had to choose between Pedri and Esteban, who are you picking? And please be honest with me and yourself," Sira added.

"I'm really happy where Esteban and I are," I said honestly. "But I still have something for Pedri that I am trying to ignore," I added.

Sira grabbed my hands and smiled.

"I'm happy you are telling me that. Look now you know that Pedri is still in your heart since the first day you guys met."

"Okay, not the first time because we hated each other and he still hates me, you know. Don't forget what he told me once," I told Sira.

"Oh come on. That's not true. We all know that," Sira said.

I smiled because I hoped she was right.

"Look you have still time to think about this. You can always tell the truth to Pedri. I know Esteban will be there to hunt your life but remember that you have us and I am sure Esteban changed enough to forget how he threatened you."

I nodded because I agreed with Sira. She was right. After a few minutes, the delivery man rang the doorbell and we took the food from him to set it at the table and called everyone for dinner.

I sat between Esteban and Pedri. It was stronger than me to stop looking at Pedri sometimes. I studied him carefully without anyone noticing. He had grown his beard just a little bit and he looked so much more attractive. I couldn't imagine the number of girls running after him.

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