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As expected, Barcelona won Laliga. With four goals against two, the team had an amazing win. With each goal, the crowd was going crazy and I couldn't stop my tears when I knew that it was official. My team won. My Pedri won.

I was thankful that he wasn't injured during the game or any of that. He was pushed a few times but that is all about the football game. I kept an eye on him the whole match, making sure I wasn't missing out on anything.

I was so proud of everyone, especially Pablo, Ferran and of course Pedri. I saw them give everything to this game to win and make Barcelona proud.

I could see the joy and excitement in their family's faces as they couldn't believe that we won. Xavi, who was on the field next to us, couldn't stop smiling and jumping around with the rest of the workers.

I was so happy that this team was mine and I was part of them.

As the players walked around the field to wave at everyone, I couldn't stop staring at Pedri who was sending me kisses from where he was. My smile grew bigger the more he was giving me signs.

"I have never seen my brother this much in love with anyone before," Fernando whispered in my ear.

I looked at him questioning if he was really saying the truth but the second my eyes met his, I knew he wasn't lying.

My heart warmed up at the idea of Pedri never loving someone as much as he loves me. I couldn't blame him since I loved him as much or even more.

Everyone stayed a few minutes to celebrate until the boys left the field to go to their changing room. Xavi looked so proud of them that he didn't know how to express it anymore.

We waited until most of the people left the stadium so that we could ease our way back inside to see the players.

I walked with Pedri's brother and Pablo's sister into a huge room where the rest of the families were waiting for the team.

I waited patiently for Pedri to come when a few players arrived first. Everyone was cheering them and they were smiling so much that I knew their cheeks hurt.

Some of the players were joining their children, their wife or even their parents.

Ferran came up first to us and his parents until Pedri and Gavi joined the room.

Pedri's smile made me giggle so much for some reason. I was just so happy to see him this happy. I hugged Ferran and Pablo as they made their way through everyone. I told them how proud I was to be their best friend and consider them my family.

I couldn't stop but notice that a part of Ferran wasn't entirely happy as the rest of the players and it didn't surprise me as much. Especially when you just broke up with the girl that you thought was your other half. I just felt bad for Ferran and wished that Sira could appear right now, out of nowhere and resolve things with him. I just hated the fact that I was between the both of them and I didn't even know about the situation until it completely fell apart.

I felt some warm hands on my cheeks when I realized that I was lost in my thoughts and Pedri was right in front of me, giving me his most loving smile and leaning towards me to press his pink lips on mine.

He kissed me in front of all these people who were all so preoccupied with celebrating and feeling the joy of winning.

I felt like I was in my little bubble with Pedri as I kissed him harder.

"I'm so glad nothing happened and I'm so so so happy and proud of you," I said as I released a deep breath and felt my eyes tear up.

"Babe, you were so much worried about me. I'm okay, I promise," Pedri reassured me as he pulled me into his warm chest. "I love you so much. Thank you for caring about me as much as you do and thank you for the message you left in my bag. I can't even say thank you enough," he added.

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