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I knew Pablo was with Victoria right now because I saw his text messages a few days ago. I already told my friends that Victoria had been out of my life for good since that morning she left. She took that decision and I helped her with it.

I didn't want to see her or hear about her. She was done to me. I hoped that she was living a good life in London. I only wondered if she had changed. If she has met someone new. All my questions are going to be answered at Ferran and Sira's wedding.

The rest of the day was spent playing with Rafael and trying to figure out a way to tell Pedri. I love to watch Rafael laugh with Pablo and Ferran. He reminded me so much of Pedri, it was insane.

"Now I see it clearly. Was I blind?" Sira pointed out while watching Rafael.

"I'll talk with Pedri tomorrow after his game because I don't want to ruin anything and I will stay for your wedding and leave as soon as possible," I told Sira.

"Victoria are you sure you don't want to maybe try and work things out with Pedri?" Sira asked.

"Yeah and what about Rafael?"

"Maybe Pedri will love him. It's his child."

The moment I saw Rafael when he was born, I forgave Pedri in my heart. I just knew that I should.

My eyes fell back on Rafael jumping everywhere and holding his ball with him. He always told me he wanted to become just like his uncles so of course I put him in classes to play football. He had skills that I didn't expect a five-year-old could have but I guess Pedri's blood was running into him.

Rafael and I slept at Ferran and Sira's house. In the morning, we spent it pretty relaxing until we started getting ready for the game. I put a FC Barcelona shirt on Rafael and a pair of shorts while I wore the same thing but with cargo pants.

My heart was racing the whole drive to the stadium. When we arrived there, I showed Rafael every little detail that I remember but everything has changed so much. I couldn't believe that five years had passed since I last placed foot here.

I felt a strange pressure on my chest and my eyes teared up but I got myself together in front of my son and walked with Sira to our seats. We were of course seated in the front, in the VIP section near the players. No one had come out yet other than Xavi who was talking with a few of his team workers. I took a deep breath to calm myself just like my child was and gave a look to Sira who reassured me.

Everything was going to be alright, I told myself. Rafael was amazed by the view and wanted to go down on the pitch. I kept explaining to him that it wasn't possible, not for him but only for the players such as Gavi and Ferran.

After a few minutes, the players started coming one by one on the pitch while the crowd was screaming. Rafael stood up in his seat and Sira held him tightly while I took a last deep breath before my gaze fell on the number 8, who was just entering the pitch and waving to the crowd. Pedri.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment and opened them back to study Pedri. He didn't change. His beard only grew but he was as attractive as I last saw him, five years ago. My feelings were still present for him and my love never disappeared. Pedri was still my everything, besides my son. Our son. I felt nauseous when I thought of Pedri seeing Rafael. He was going to recognize immediately that this was his son.

Pedri didn't even look toward us. He was so focused on the training and the game compared to Gavi and Ferran, who both waved to Rafael when Pedri wasn't looking.

"Mommy, is my dad playing like them?" Rafael asked while pointing at the players.

Sira gave me a sweet look while I hugged my son and kissed his head.

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