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I walked up the stairs that led to the club, with Pedri holding my hand into his. I quickly glanced at him and he smiled and kissed the side of my forehead. I squeezed his hand and we got into the club. A heat wave instantly hit me as we were walking around, trying to find our friends. They were all sitting on couches, next to each other and Pedri and I waved at them when we saw them. I saw the smile on everyone's faces when they saw us holding hands. I left Pedri to hug everyone because I haven't seen them since I left for my hometown. It was so great to see everyone especially Sira, Ferran and Pablo back.

Pablo and Sira moved to leave space between each other for Pedri and me. So of course, I sat next to Sira and Pedri sat next to Pablo. I rested my head on Pedri's shoulder and he grabbed my hand into his.

I talked for a few minutes with Sira about my family while Ferran changed places to sit next to his friends and talk to them.

After a while, I decided to go to the bar to get a drink for Pedri and me since everyone was already drinking something.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Pedri asked me a thousand times.

I gave him a quick peck that seemed a little bit longer than quick because Pedri wasn't letting go.

"It's fine, don't worry, mi amor. The bad is right there," I pointed behind him.

He smiled and kissed my forehead this time.

I stood up and left the group to go to the bar. I ordered my two drinks and sat on a barstool to wait for them.

"Long time no see, babe," Esteban said.

Esteban? My heart stopped when I turned to face the guy sitting next to me. How didn't I notice him? Shit.

"I didn't know that you came back and also that you go out to clubs," he added.

I stood up from my chair and walked a step back. I looked at my friend group, where everyone was laughing and no one seemed to pay attention to me.

"Esteban," I said with my voice trembling.

This can't be real. It was my perfect day with Pedri and now Esteban is ruining it. I took a deep breath and watched Esteban finish his drink. He was drunk. I knew it by the way he was looking at me.

"You came with your friends," he said while drunk laughing at me and looking at the group. "Did you forget about your fiancé?" He said louder.

"Esteban, please let's talk another time when you are all sober. Please," I begged him.

"Okay, babe," he simply said while placing a hand on my cheek. "You look good in that dress," he added while laughing so much.

The bartender gave me my drinks and Esteban took one of them.

"Cheers, my beautiful soon-to-be wife," he said while lifting the cup in front of my eyes.

Why is Victoria taking so long? I turned around in mid-conversation with Ferran and Pablo to see Vic with another man. She was talking with him until the guy lifted a drink toward Victoria's face. I immediately stood up from my seat and walked as fast as I could towards Victoria, leaving all my friends with questions.

As I walked closer, I noticed that I know this guy that has been talking with her. Esteban. What the fuck is he doing here?

"Oh look who arrived. Your little friend," Esteban said when I turned around to see Pedri almost running towards me.

He gave me a quick look before stepping in front of me, making Esteban remove the drink in his hand from my face.

"What the fuck do you want from her?" Pedri asked Esteban.

Ever Again|| PedriWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt