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I had my 15-minute break so I decided to use it to go talk with Xavi. He was training his players for the last few weeks of the season.

"Hey Xavi," I said when I entered the pitch. "Am I interrupting you?" I asked him to make sure it was okay for me to talk to him now.

"Hello Victoria, no it's fine come," he said while smiling.

I walked to the seat next to his and sat there. I waved to Ferran, Pablo and a few other players that noticed me.

"How are your players?" I asked Xavi.

"If you're asking about Pedri without saying his name..."

"No," I said while laughing. "I'm asking about all of them...and Pedri...since he is the injured one," I added.

"I know you yell my dear," Xavi said. "I know that Pedri is important in your heart."

I smiled at his words. He was right.

"Yeah...how is he? I haven't talked to him for a long time."

"Pedri...I saw him earlier this week. He doesn't come too often because of his injury. He is still healing it but it takes a little bit more time. I'm not sure if he will be able to finish this season with us," Xavi mentioned.

I nodded while listening carefully to the details.

"I wanted to tell you something else that I saw in Pedri when I last saw him. He looked very tired. I don't think I have ever seen Pedri this...empty. It feels like he lost everything in his life. Even football doesn't seem enjoyable for him."

Xavi's words broke my heart and I teared up.

"I need Pedri back, Victoria. The old Pedri. His performance completely changed during the past week before his injury. I don't know what is going on with his life but he doesn't seem okay at all. I don't know if you can do anything or maybe try to talk with Pedri's friends."

"Of course," I instantly answered. "I'll do anything to help," I added.

Anything for Pedri.

Then Xavi told me about his other players. How the season was going well and better than they thought it would. I was proud of the boys, so close to winning the Laliga. They deserved it.

But my mind was still with Pedri the whole time Xavi was talking.

"Ten minutes break everyone," Xavi screamed.

I looked at the time and noticed that I had ten minutes left to my break as well so I used it to talk with Pablo. We walked around the field so he could rest before going back to the training.

"How is Pedri?" I asked Pablo, going straight forward to the main point of our conversation.

"He's fine...doing great like always...you know...resting for his injury," Gavi said.

The way he was talking didn't seem really convincing. He kept moving his eyebrows in a way that he always does and I knew that's when Pablo was stressing just like in interviews.

"You're lying," I said. "Pablo, you are my best friend and you know how much Pedri is important to me. Why are you lying?"

Gavi took a deep breath and stopped walking to face me. He first hugged me as if he knew that I needed that hug.

"What is going on?" I asked him when he pulled back.

"Listen I had promised Pedri to not tell anyone but I will tell you even though I don't really want to."

I nodded and my heart was racing. I was scared about what he was going to tell me.

"Pedri is sick. Like extremely sick. He hasn't moved from his couch in days now. He made me promise to not tell anyone because he doesn't want to worry you and I thought it was better if you, especially, didn't know because Pedri is really heartbroken...since the engagement."

Ever Again|| PedriTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang