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I somehow got home safely without crying. Esteban wanted to come inside with me but I told him I needed space and I was glad he respected my boundaries.

The second I closed my apartment door behind me, I fell to the floor, my back against the door and I cried the little tears left in my body.

I looked a both of my wrists and for some reason even if the wrist that Pedri grabbed wasn't the worst one, it hurt the most. It wasn't only hurting me where he grabbed me but also everywhere else in my body. Even my heart felt numb.

I had told Sira what happened so she called me a few minutes later wanting to make sure that I was home safely.

Then Pablo called me and wanted to know everything that happened at the dinner. He wanted a long explanation. My side of the story. I explained to him everything and he didn't say a word.

"Did you see Pedri leave after?" I asked him.

"Yeah, yeah he left and I followed him to his car to know where he was going," Pablo answered me.

"Do you know where he went? If you don't want to tell me it's fine," I added.

"He went to get drunk. That's what he told me."

"Oh okay," I answered sadly.

"Victoria I don't even recognize Pedri anymore. He changed so much since you entered his life. Pedri was never like this. Never," Pablo said.

"I'm sorry for everything I did," I told him.

"You did nothing Victoria. It's Pedri. He likes you a lot."

I smiled but erased my smile immediately.

"He doesn't and he won't like me. I have a boyfriend Pablo. I don't want Pedri plus he hates me. He always did and I always did too."

"You guys don't hate each other but you can't love each other. It always feels like something is blocking both of you," Pablo explained.

Probably Esteban.

I changed the subject and we ended the call after a few minutes. I then grabbed an ice pack to put on my wrist and I spent the night finalizing some work that I had to complete before tomorrow.

As I arrived to work today, I noticed the green Mini Cooper parked in the parking garage. That meant that the boys were training today. I parked my car and hope that I wouldn't see Pedri after what happened yesterday.

I walked inside in a hallway leading to the meeting room when I heard someone behind me.

"Excuse me," I heard.

I turned around to face a woman that seemed familiar to me. She was smiling when I looked at her and it didn't seem like it was the first time that I have seen her.

"Do you work here?" She asked me.

Her voice didn't give me a hint of who she could be.

"Yeah... I do. How can I help you?" I answered trying to figure out from where do I recognize her.

"I'm searching for Pedri," she said while her grin appeared again on her face.

Pedri? What does she have to do with... The realization hit me like a truck. This girl is the woman Pedri was making out with at the club after he told me he hates me. After our kiss. Our make out. It's that woman.

I was speechless and she was still looking at me with her idiot smile.

"I can't let you see him because he is training," I said.

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