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"I don't believe you," I simply said.

"Okay," Pedri answered as he buckled his seatbelt. "Let's go back to my house and I'll shower and wake up more so that we can talk. Today. Not in the morning," Pedri stated.

I nodded and did everything he said. We arrived at his house and even tho I was tired, my nerves were waking me up each time I thought that I was going to say everything to Pedri as soon as he finishes his shower.

Pedri took his time in the shower and when he got out, he looked like a different person. The one I loved. My Pedrito.

I was sitting on his bed waiting for him to sit next to me.

"Is Esteban over at your apartment?" Pedri asked me while putting on a pair of shorts and a hoodie.

"Yeah," I said while nodding.

Pedri looked at me disappointed, not from me but from Esteban and he finally sat next to me. Close to me.

I looked into his eyes and the only thing I wanted to do is to kiss him. So that's what I did. I pressed my lips against his and wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me, even if he already was.

I then slowly pulled away and hugged him instead. I smelled his amazing and fresh scent while he played with my hair and smelled it.

As I pulled away, I placed both of my hands on his cheeks and made him look into my eyes.

"I love you Pedrito. I want what's best for you."

He pressed his lips on mine only for a few seconds until he added " I love you more Vic. You have no idea how much I love you and how I have never felt this way for anyone. Please, understand that I need you. I don't just want you, I need you."

I closed my eyes and smiled at his words.

"I'm sorry for what I told you. You're not a slut. You're far away from that. And I don't want you to be with Esteban. Not even in the fucking same room. All the things I told you just got out of my mouth because I was angry. Because you betrayed your promise of not hurting me and you left with him. What was I supposed to do?" Pedri added while looking at me with the dearest look.

A took a second to think.

"You are right. I'm sorry mi amor. I never wanted to hurt you. I love you too much for that," I said while hugging him. "I forgive you Pedrito. I forgive you with all my heart," I added.

He pulled away from our hug to kiss my forehead and show me his biggest smile.

"Now tell me what you have been hiding from me?"

I took a deep breath before releasing everything.

"My relationship with Esteban has always been fine in the first 6 months. Sometimes Esteban was a little bit overprotective or insecure, I'm not sure yet. But he wouldn't really let me go out alone to a club or anything in that same area. I mean it makes sense, doesn't it? I wouldn't like it if my boyfriend goes out to clubs without me. It's just suspicious, you know." I shook my head because that wasn't the point of this conversation. I'm not going to start making excuses for Esteban now. "You remember the first day we met at the club? Esteban was supposed to be with me but since he worked, he couldn't so I went alone with Sira and Ferran without Esteban knowing. That's when I met you and everything started going downhill from there. But not because of you," I justified.

Pedri nodded and listened to me carefully.

"That next morning Esteban knew that I went without him at the club so he got angry at me and called me names and..."

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