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The last embers of a charcoal forest burn out, pillars of smoke bellowing skyward. Pools of blood stain the burnt grass, as a group of corpses rot together.
Scorched wood and ash are what is left of the family household. There's evidence of the front door being blasted inwards, into the house from the outside. Remnants of what stayed in the house also burnt to a crisp and the important stuff, ripped apart. As though what ever destroyed this place, whomever was left over, made sure to remove all extra evidence of the families existence. Either by fire, ripped apart or taken. We still don't know where the remaining members are, and what they could be doing?


A small glimmer of light shines through bars onto the pale skin of a child's face, the shadows slowly fading away leaving the kid in darkness. A cute but creepy giggle is heard. Then for a second, there is a male scream as death echo's in the darkness.


A metallic screeching was the last we heard of him miss. The cameras were gone, so we couldn't see him or what happened.

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