Page III Chapter I: The Difference

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I open my eyes slowly and steadily, because of all the over due sleep build up.

I never did get enough sleep did I. Here I guess I could get sleep.

The door opens and Barbra enters the room once more, "I hope you got enough rest. That run around town, and that fall beside the road. You must have drained you beyond what your body could handle."

I don't reply, my mind still in low power mode.

"Here, try and get some of your energy back." She says, giving me a sandwich containing ham and cheese on a plate with a cup full of tea on another.

I have to reply, but it comes out a bit deeper than how I actually sound due to saliva build up in the back of my throat. "Thank you." I say, right before I swallow the saliva build up.

She places an tray with legs on my lap. Beginning to leave, the room and myself alone, I call to her "Can you stay for a bit, I don't want to be alone." Hesitating for a second, she obliges and sit down in a chair next to me as I consume the contents on the tray. The sandwich and tea go down nicely, but my thoughts still plague me with absence. The absence of my memories followed by an aching feeling of loss that eats away at me from the inside. I feel like if I let it, I will just fade away. My eyes start to water but I just blink it away.

I ask if she would allow me to get clothes, dressed and walk around in the town area for a bit.

Walking to the door she tells me that, "I'll see what I can do."

The corridor beyond the door is quiet, so I take the opportunity to get out of bed.

My muscles feeling more tense, with a heavy feeling weighing upon my heart. I hold my hands within view and clench them, the feeling of relaxation finally sinks in. I see that sleep for multiple days has left me in a weaker state. In a martial arts fashion, I move my body about. Punching and kicking the air. It only last for a minute but a sound in the corridor echo's, and I cease my martial arts practice. Going to the window and watching the birds flying by, I wait for the door to open.

The door reopens and Barbra walks in, without fully turning my body I turn to look at her. She is holding; A hoodie, that is red; Jeans, that are dark blue; Socks, which are grey and long; A pair of brown shoes and boxers.

Closing the curtains from the rest of the room and maintaining my privacy, I start getting dressed while thinking about the conversation I had with Bular. What could have happened to me? He probably would have split me in two if he knew I was lying, it however won't be a lie if I actually do team up with Strickler. Being with Stricklander would be the best logical stand point. Even though working with Stricklander would be a dangerous task since he works with the troll, Bular. That was my decision however, and I'll deal with the consequences later.

I also get stuck thinking on what I could have done better in the instance. Speaking with Bular.

Oh wow, these shoes are comfortable. The clothes are a bit itchy and scratchy, but tolerable.

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