Page III Chapter II: I'm Different?

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I hold my hands out and ask why is he doing this?

No answer, just the crackling of the fire in his hand.

Try to think about something, anything to help me but nothing comes to mind.

The ball of fire explodes towards me and flashes, images snap into my mind. I winged lady telling a girl covered in fur to think about what you want.

Time seems to slow down as I extend my arms and clasp them together, I cleave my arms apart whilst extending my fingers. An invisible force of some kind just consumes the ball of fire. Leaving the whole room silent. I sit against the pillar, baffled by what I just did.

Suddenly, the roof above everyone caves downwards and the lady from my vision slamming down on the ground. Then following in pursuit, another group drops down the hole from the ceiling. I'll trust her, she was in my vision.

"Thank goodness I am saved from this mess," I say.

"NO! YOU HAVE INTERRUPTED OUR WORK!" The man, who was fighting me, says.

He had this planned out? For how long, and did it really require me? That's a terrifying thought. Maybe it isn't? And maybe he was just saying it? That it was just a stateme-

"Are you alright?" The lady with wings asks. I am now.

I nod whilst clutching my side and she states that we need to go. That's when I notice that everyone now in this room looks familiar, aside from the group covered in cloaks.

The cloaked men take this time turn to slime like creatures and filter down through the stones. All except for the one who accidentally got knocked out by one of the falling stones. I have a feeling he will be jailed, if not captured by this new group.

Both I and the man are grabbed by the lady with the wings, bolting out through the hole in the ceiling. The air is cold and goes right through my skin. It also takes me eyes a couple of seconds to adjust to the bright light and the view is just stunning. The sky, clouds, colossal skeleton, the ocean and the town or cities scattered around the place. It is all too beautiful. Except that thing moving around one of the town below, that thing is in human, beside the everything else I've seen.

"Are you ok? You scared?" I look to the side where a girl is, yes a girl. Human and with a weirder looking staff. Like a snake or something attached to an orb.

"No, I am not scared. I am too old to be scared. My life has been scary enough for nothing to scare me now." I say, not really sure on when I should stop talking or spouting bs.

"That's fine, I don't need your whole life story." The girl states.

The faces of the whole group stay in the front of my mind and I can feel my mind running as I think. Always in the back ground. I know them from somewhere.

I ask if they could take me to a safe-ish place, since I really require the toilet.

"You need the toilet now?!" The winged lady asks in confusion.

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