Page I Chapter I: The Difference

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The sky is clear, aside from a single cloud in view. Close chatter surrounds me, followed by an ambulance siren. What happened? Why is my vision fading all of a sudden?

. . .

The sky is now full of steam, covering the horizon. A single hand risen above the steam made clouds, almost pointed towards space.

. . .

"Hey, are you awake?" a voice snaps my eyes open - I am greeted by a white panelled ceiling.

Looking to my side, a women with a blueish green shirt, brown hair and thin glasses checks my vitals on the machine next to me.

"I am surprised a man like you could survive such wounds." She asks, "What were you doing?"

I think for a second and come up with nothing, "I don't remember. I can however, tell that I need glasses though."

She laughs nervously at the response, assures me that I am fine but suggests that they should do some tests. To make sure that my brain isn't damaged. She writes all the information down and leaves the room.

I look down to my sheets and my body. My muscles hurt a bit but these stitches... Where did they come from? Did I suffer an injury? What caused them?

My eyes wonder to the open window, as the wind blows the curtains inwards. The whole world around me is without detail.

Something about this place reminds me of my past. About the time when the tip of my finger got snipped off by a window lock. I was forced to a hospital bed then, and all I did was sleep. Maybe I should sleep. I think time passes more quickly that way.

Yawning, I close my eyes to pass the time. But then a thought comes to mind.

"Wait a minute!" I say out loud.

I sit up, all my muscles screaming to me. What is this intense feeling of forgetfulness? What have I forgotten? Pulling off the hospital gown I look at the scars. Fresh, almost a few days old. I've been here for too long. I go to lift my bed sheets but my head starts aching. Damn that hurts! I pull off the sensors connected to my body and I stand up. The floor is cold.

I pace around my lonely room, hands on head, trying to remember where I've seen her before.

An idea places me at the window, where I take a quick glance back to the door which is now open. Barbra looks at me, I smile, I know everything. Jumping out the window, I land on a bush with every branch sticking me in the back. Stumbling out of the bushes, I scan the areas of which my back was against the bush and my skin is fine aside from a few scratches.

Now, something tells me this foot print isn't supposed to be here. My smile strengthens, the dry skin cracking at the edges of my mouth. "Ha ha ha."

I wouldn't say that I've remembered everything but it definitely feels that way. My body wants to move and do things. I ignore my injuries.

I hear sounds in the distance, like a horse trotting on a cement road. I place my hand to my chin, "Bular? Am I right? Doesn't matter, or does it? Perhaps, ah, I better not. This is still so frustrating."

"What are you talking about to yourself?" Barbra says behind me.

Turning around, I stop smiling. I then sprint the opposite direction, towards the loud sounds. Through the trees. Running a far enough distance, I arrive at the right moment to see Bular. He almost reached Jim, who went into the entrance of Trollmarket.

Now's my time to enter this story.

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