Page IV Chapter I: The Difference

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I walk past the curtains and Barbra is looking at her watch. She looks up, "You look amazing."

"You think?" I say, my cheeks getting hotter. She then suggests that we get going and I follow her.

The corridor is almost vacant this morning. After going through a few corridors, we reach the elevator. The doors open and just by the smell alone, I can tell that it is clean to the touch. Going down two or so floors, we reach the entrance of the Hospital.

Barbra walk me to the doors and we exit the hospital. Outside is brighter than inside from the morning sun, the birds are chirping and the sounds of their flapping wings pass above me.

I feel like saying something after that silent walk. "You give off the same feeling I get when I speak with my own mother. Are you a mother?" I say, getting in her car.

Why did I say mother, I don't even remember if I have one? What feeling did I have? Was that an automatic response?

She gives a strong side look as the keys turn in her hands, giving life to the car. "What gave you that idea?"

I explain to her, that it is her gentle caring nature that tells me.

Again, an automatic response? How am I doing this?

I say that it's the way she does and says things, how she walks and talks. I am bullshitting obviously, but right regardless.
She doesn't seem too convinced with my answer but agrees with me, that she does have a son and that she does care about him. The thought clearly makes her happy since she started smiling, then quickly fades.

Half way through the car ride, I notice that the town looks familiar, asking "What is this place called?"

"It's called Arcadia, why?" She answers. Arcadia? That's a town? Sounds fantasy to me.

"I don't have any memories of my life before here. I do remember however my age, my name and some of my body measurements. I also remember having a family, but I can't remember how many members I had?"

Barbra parks the car in front of a café and we both exit.

"Which do you prefer, coffee or tea?" She asks, opening the front door of the café.

I follow her in, replying with "Coffee and an English breakfast if possible, with eggs on toast please."

She is shocked by the very detailed response and refers to my memories returning, but I shoot down the idea since I still don't remember my past. Although, that doesn't deny the fact that I have remembered my preferences on food in the morning. This could mean a few things, I could be from...

"England right? That's a place, right? I think I came from England." I call to her from the table, I've decided to sit at.

Barbra, agrees with me. "England is a place, but how you got from there to here remains a mystery." That means they don't have a birth certificate nor do they have a residence permit for me, that right now I remain a mystery and an immigrant.

"What is your name if I may ask?" Barbra asks me.

I reluctantly tell her my middle name, instead of my main first name. "My name is James" I say, not really wanting to tell her my full name.

"Oh is that all you can remember of your name? Well then in the mean time, where are you from then? Your accent, it sounds unique."

"I am from South Africa I think." I respond, still unsure about my own thoughts as they keep coming in unorganised and all over the place.

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