Page VI Chapter V: Not A Dream

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Whilst cleaning the cafeteria, I think back an couple hours earlier. Jim having finally arrived for class, gets run through by Janeth. She complained the whole lesson about him never arriving for the play rehearsals. Based off a few information and gossip, I think what happened is that Jim never arrived to the play rehearsals. So Jim became the understudy instead of the lead. Some of the other students who were talking to each other; turns out Steve became lead, replacing Jim. I also heard that Jim and Steve have some sort of beef with each other.

"James?" I hear Strickler call to me whilst I am under a table, cutting off my thoughts as I am picking off gum from the underside. Sitting up, avoiding the possibility of bumping my head, I straighten up so I am leaning against the table with my shoulders.

"Yeah?" I ask. He passes me a Glamour mask.

Straightening his jacket, "James, if you could..." He kneels down to my height and holds his hand to his face then starts to whisper, "... speed up the process of you infiltrating Jim's group and lure him out into the open? Bular is getting a little impatient."

"We have discussed this. It will take time. Bular is going to have to be patient. I will need as much time as I can get to read their books, since it could be the first and last time I'll get the opportunity to do so. So I will need time."

Something with in me just clicks and I feel a feint headache forming.

"Fine, James. I'll see if I can give you a week, but Bular might not be so patient as I am." Strickler says right before walking away in a small huff. Obviously he is getting impatient, I don't blame him. Asking me over and over again won't help though.

Leaning against the table, still sitting, I look at the mask in my hands. I can't become someone they'll know. I'll have to create a persona, but how do I do that? Isn't it acting? As of late I've struggled with that, opting to just tell the truth. I wonder if someone or something here in this school could help me. Someone other than Strickler.

An abruption of my thoughts- The bell rings and the sounds of students entering the corridors, echo all the way into the cafeteria.

That's when it hits me, the one person in this school who actually teaches drama and theatre. Ms Janeth; she could give me some pointers on how to act, teach me some techniques and possibly show me ways to improve.

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