Page IV Chapter III: New Purpose

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Levits' office appears to be generic looking as Strickler opens the door. There isn't much interesting here, besides a few photos, a bunch bookcases and few files cabinets. 

Strickler walks me in and Levit asks us to both take a seat. Levitz is the first one to speak, "I've heard from Strickler that your his brother, I've also seen that you've caught a kid who was about to get run over."

Strickler speaks next though, "Yes and I believe he's capable of working too. James, don't you need a job after recovering from that accident in your previous job?"

I go with it, "I do need a job, yes. Yes I do."

"I see, so Strickler is your brother and you are looking for a job. Thank you for confirming it." Levit says.

Despite needing a job right now, Strickler's lie about me being his brother kind of bothers me. It just doesn't sit right, somewhere in my heart. Even though I haven't directly agreed to it, saying nothing against it just feels wrong.

"Adopted brother, actually." I quickly state.

This doesn't stop Levit from reaching into his draws and pulling out some papers. He doesn't look fazed either. What is even happening right now?

Suddenly from next to me, out of the view of Levit, Strickler hands me the letter I wrote to him. 

Strickler whispers to me, "I read what you said, that you need to team up us, that you have information regarding the Trollhunter. Bular also spoke with me regarding what you told him. I think you're onto something."

Levit cuts through the seemingly silent room, placing a sizable book on the desk with a slam.

"Right, so James..." He reads through the book. "We have a few positions here within the school you could take. Some of which include being a cafeteria cook, security for the school, the janitor and a teaching assistant."

I look up to the ceiling, "I think two of those seem fine to me. The security and the janitor. I think I like cleaning and protecting seems to come natural to me."

"That's perfect, both occur after school and during school. Amazing choice, James. I am glad to accept you into the school." Levit says, still going through the book. "Would you like to have a test day? To see how to fair?"

"Sounds good to me, don't you think Brother?" I look down to meet Strickler's gaze, expecting him to answer the next bit.

He sighs and replies in my stead, "I believe so, but for now, lets show you around the school."

Levit smiles and agrees to it. Thus concluding the visit to Levits office. Strickler and I go to leave the office.

Honestly, Strickler being my bother. Seems far fetched to me. To some extent, I can't still live with Barbra and do nothing, I have to fill the time up with something while things unfold.

The office door closes, "Sorry I lied." Strickler's comment strikes me as odd, why would he be apologising for lying? "I should have spoke it over with you, but you started it first with Bular."

His statement makes me look around for anyone near by. "You're risking it by speaking about this out in the open." I finish looking around, and with a sigh, I now know that no one is near by.

"You are right, lets go to my office and finish up there."

The conversations finishes and obviously, we both spoke quietly enough that Levit from within the office could not hear us. I follow Strickler around the school and into his office.

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