Page VII Chapter III: New Purpose

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I walk over to the side, where there is an overhang, next to the lockers. The rain starts completely, while I continue to wait. Watching the water pour down, I gaze at the gathering water as it goes down the school drains.

A minute later and Strickler finally opens the main door, walking through it. Levit and Strickler step out and towards me. Strickler makes a comment, on how it wasn't supposed to rain today, whilst Levit personally confronts me. 

"Since you don't really have a foot print in the business yet, I'll have you fill in these mock exam papers and this question air. So I can get a proper understanding on if you are qualified to be in this school. Which will help me structure your shifts for the whole year."

There is a quiet moment, while Levit hands me a folder with it's contents showing through. I thank Levit and he walks off, probably towards his car. 

Strickler lastly walks up to me and hands over a spare set of school keys, "These can open any and all school doors, including the school basement where the boiler resides. I you want, you could live out at my place-"

"No thanks, I kind of like the idea of living at the school. I get privacy that way."

He places his hand on my shoulder, "You've lost your memories, I get that. And you have stated that you would rather remember them, but right now..." He thinks for a sec, "We have other things to focus on. Like what you told Bular that night, how the troll hunter is the key to opening the 'Bridge'."

"I did? My head was so scrambled that night, that I barely remember it. I can say for certain, despite not having my memories, I have a vivid plan built into me. Like I've see this all before and I know the exact path to take to get the best outcome."

"So if we start doing things, you'd be able to tell us if what we are doing is correct or not? That would mean, we would have to listen to you before making informed decisions."

I stand in front of Strickler, with his hand on my shoulder as the rain is pouring down, "Guess we will have to find out, would we not?" He sighs and right before leaving, states that he'll be back with supplies. To which I quickly bring up the fact that, "wouldn't Bular be disappointed if I weren't skilled in a fight?"

Strickler doesn't answer, he just continues to walk to his car, in the rain, where it is wet.

Standing under the outside overhang, above the lockers, I wonder about entering the school and checking the basement. Over the span of a minute, my legs start to get antsy. I am lured to and away from the school. My stomach squeezes and it feels like I'll just sink down through the ground. I walk to the door and place the key into the door lock, turning it I hear the locking mechanism click. It easy opens as I take a look into the dark corridor, which is briefly lit up by the lightning outside. Shimmers are sent down my spine as the thunder catches up with a loud crackling echo in the sky. Quickly, I close the door behind me and lean up against it. The sinking in my legs vanish and I am now filled with uncertainty. The half darkness in the corridor, wants to consume me as I walk down it. 

The lightning comes back with a flash and visions play past my eyes. Visions of a tall rock like figure with horn shaped stone ears that streak down it's face snap into play. It walks towards me, but the light from the lightning fades.

I continue to walk through the corridor, a light flickering from all around but then fading. 

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