Page II Chapter IV: The Dream

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The light returns dimly and I hear everyone drop to the ground. From my mouth to my body, t he ooze drips and flows off me like water. It smells and tastes like something rotten, and I almost retch. 

"Finally, time alone." The one hooded man says, the hooded man that had me and my friends in a hold. Did I say friends?

I look towards the hooded men, "What do you want me for? And why did you bring them?"

"Incentive, nothing more. They are here to motivate you to listen, otherwise they die. You on the other hand, you are imperative to our plan. So listen to what we say and be a good boy." The other hooded man says, the one who said the chant and teleported us away.

I shut my mouth, preventing my self from saying anything stupid. I don't want to be the reason that they are dead. I don't want to explain to everyone back at Camila's, that I was the reason they're dead. I don't want that on my hands, their blood and death. I have to bite my tongue and listen, regardless of if I want to.

"Follow me," the hooded chanter asks. 

The other hooded man uses a spell to knock out the two, Hunter and Gus fall quickly sound asleep.

Suddenly crystals, scattered all around the whole place, light up with a slow low glow. Each with their own individual colours. I can finally see the whole place, albeit still dark in some areas. There are six pillars holding up this football stadium sized room, carved out of stone with pieces of crystal showing through at various places. A big black boat sized door sits at one end of the room, with a slightly smaller one at the other.

At the door, before it is opened, I can see that there are carvings made all over the door. I can hardly make it out but some of what is carved, I can clearly see are symbols of some kind. As the door is opened and we start walking through, I can see a small shimmer race across it's surface. This is just enough to barely allow me to see some images or stories carved out, I don't know yet what they mean but hopefully 'they' can tell me.

Past the massive black door, on tall arched the walls, light up with crystals neatly grown in sections. As we walk down this huge, probably ten foot tall corridor. I count the length between the crystals and find out, that they've grown them to be five long steps apart. Weird how they haven't questioned my actions as we walk. It must not have bothered them.

Gradually, a few minutes pass and we reach a door which is clearly made out of metal. From first glace, I can tell it isn't special but when I look closer I can see more symbols. Which strikes me as odd, if this is their place, and they are as strong as these two, then why do they have spells carved into their doors. 

Interrupting my curiosity, one of the two hooded men open the door, tossing Hunter and Gus inside before closing it.

"Continue to follow us, to your room, where you'll rest for a bit until we call for you." The one man says. Which I do, follow them, to my said room.

More walking. Almost tired, now that I think about it. Wait a minute... I look down to see that I am still the pyjamas that Camila gave me. No wonder it's been cold. Guess I am noticing this now, how embarrassing.

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