Page VI Chapter III: New Purpose

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After Strickler bandaged my arm, he suggests that I get the jumper and shirt fixed with some sewing. He then explains that he doesn't know how to sew, so I will have to find someone who does. 

As I look at the holes in the clothes, it feels like I could... "Do you have any sewing needles and string? I think I could."

"You knew how to sew, before you lost your memories?" Strickler asks questioningly and I nod.

"I don't know why but, I can see my self doing it. It feels like I can do it, when I look at my hands." I respond.

Strickler looks at me for a second, before speaking, "If that is the case, then I know who might have the string and needles."

I thank him, for not only allowing me to work with him but for also helping me settle. I then think for a second and just about barely remembering the names of some of the teachers, I ask Strickler if the person he has in mind is Miss Janeth. He seems slightly shocked but agrees, confirming my memories. Which leads to Strickler being curious enough to ask me if I remember the names of the other teachers.

"I don't remember the faces that go with the names, but I remember the names nevertheless. I do have a feeling that if you show me the peoples faces, I'll be able to connect the names to them."

Strickler sighs, "That's fine. I still haven't escorted you through the school yet. You will however need to pretend, that it is the first time you are seeing them." 

I nod in agreeance and Strickler walks to the door, stating that I should refer to him as Sr  Strickler. I put on my shirt and nod again before sliding on my hoodie.

"Let's go, Mr. James." Strickler says, a little snicker coming from my mouth as I almost laugh at the formal language.

For the rest of the day, it is spend getting to know the teachers, the school grounds and the students. I am also shown the janitors closet, where are the school cleaning supplies will be. 

Nearing the end of the day, I am eventually driven around by Strickler, who spends money in the shops getting me security equipment in town. Some of which include a flashlight; security vest, with pockets for extra stuff; two walkie talkie's, for communication between Walter and I; a note book, with a multi-ink-pen for varied notes; a recorder, with camera; then a recorder without camera; a regular watch, for reading the time; and a phone with sim, to communicate with Strickler when needed. After the blatant shopping spree, he drove me back to the school to report back with Levit.

I stand outside waiting for Strickler. It's been two minutes, it's getting dark and the clouds have gathered in a giant grey mess. I can't see the sky or the moon past the clouds. That's when the first drop falls, landing on my forehead and running down my face. Past my nose and to my chin. 

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