Page V Chapter IV: The Dream

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After a while of thinking, I finally come up with the right response.

"Life isn't simple. A tight rope of uncertainty, never knowing which way you'll fall. Just know that when you fall, all you have to do is get back onto the rope and keep striding for the future. Just like the term, regression to the mean?"

She replies back, "Regression to the mean?"

"Things won't always be good or bad, they eventually have to meet in the middle. Obviously, you walk on the rope for a long while before falling either way but that's how life is. Can't always have your way."

"I know what you mean. This isn't the worst that's happened to us. We defeated Belos and befriended the collector." She says.

"The collec-"

Abruptly, the main door of the room opens with a hooded figure walking into the room. He has monstrous abnormal looking box with him, under his left arm as he walks up to the bed. Then placing the box on the bed, he asks me to change as he unloads the contents of the box. Clothing piece after clothing piece, he places them neatly on the bed. I question him on the reason but he just tells me that it is mandatory. 

After the box is empty and the contents removed, he walks away with the box. Which gives me the time to actually look at his cloak from behind, where I can see the symbol of a Lizard.

"What is the clothes for?" I ask the figure, but he just keeps walking. From the bed to the door. The door opens and I hear multiple foot steps going through. That must be Luz, taking her chance to exit the room without opening the door herself. To be more inconspicuous. 

The room becomes silent again. I am not liking this. It feels like something is always wrong. Just being here and being the reason my new friends are in trouble if I don't listen.

Next things next another figure, clearly female by the walk, enters the room.

"Alright, I have been told to make you look better."

"Bet-" Before I get time to speak, she forms a circle and shoots a gas at me. Instantly, all my emotions fade away and my mind goes loose. "wOoaAH... WwHaAtt..." 

"Better. Lets get down to business." She says, every movement she makes having multiple after images. Must be the gas playing with my mind, making everything look faster than myself.

I can barely concentrate on what's happening. Like a zombie, I have no will of my own right now.

"Stand still." She says. That is funny, since I CAN'T MAKE A MOVE even if I wanted to.

With all the energy and strength I have left, I try to see what she is doing. Which I manage, as I can see she's brought in a bath of some kind. The bath walks over to me and the lady removes my clothes and at the same time, I hear her mutter some words. "Damn, he's a hairy one." I can't express my emotions, so I can't even feel insulted.
Next thing she does is, push me into the bath which scarily enough has a mouth full of teeth for a drain hole. Then I hear a shaving sound followed with a razor sound. She is shaving me?! From head to toe, she shaves all my hear. All over, completely naked. She then forms another circle and drops boiling water into the tub from a purple circular disk above me.
The bath starts bubbling, like a hot tub and the lady starts washing my barely conscious body. I can tell some time passes. After the shave and the bath wash down, the lady dries me off and puts the silk clothes on.

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