Page II Chapter V: Not A Dream

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"I thought you had died. You really must have been really tired for you to fall asleep standing like that. I had to catch you before you hit the ground." States Luz.

I exclaim, "I did fall asleep, yes." I sit for a moment recollecting my thoughts, "I am certain now."

"Certain of what? What are you certain about?" 

"Every time I fall asleep, for some reason or another, I wake up in another world. In a place called Arcadia." I placing my hands on my knees, "I think... the... I use my emotions more here, than when I am over there. That when I am over there, I think more than I emote my feelings."

Luz doesn't get up, "So here is your emotions and there in Arcadia is where your mind is. Is that why you can't remember?"

"I don't-" I go to reply but my body falls back onto the bed and re-awake.

James some calls to me. Reopening my eyes, I hear and see who it is.

"James! I have your coffee, can you grab it." Strickler tells me.

Bringing the seat back up, from being lowered into an decline, I sit up and grab the coffee from Strickler.

"Why did it take you so long to wake up?" Strickler questions.

"I was... When I fell asleep, I woke up in another dimension. Where the rest of me is, presumably." I reply.

"Is there a difference? What does this other dimension look like?" He asks. 

I sit up, taking a sip from my coffee, "The dimension looks fairly normalish and human but is connected to another realm called the Demon Realm, via a magical door. It's there where I made some friends and then got captured by a bunch of cultists who are going to use me for something."

"Cultists?" he confusedly questions.

Taking another sip of the coffee as Strickler makes a left turn after right turn, "Its not a dream, as I concluded in the other 'Realm'. But it seems like, because of being in these two realms, I am not whole. Like a sliced bread loaf, cut into many pieces."

"Isn't that a bit convoluted, being separated like that? How would you get back together and become one again?"

I stay silent for a bit to obviously portray my lack of knowledge on the subject, "I don't know yet. I will soon though. There are Libraries here and in the other world. Those are where I will find a way to fix myself."

Strickler laughs, "I am liking you already. You're bristling with ideas. I can see why you want to work on both sides. You seek the truth, don't you?"

I almost choke on the coffee, "I guess so, but I think I might already know the truth. Something to do with the oldest, Gunmar."

The red of the traffic light, as our car stops to let the other cars go by, light up a bit of stricklers face as he speaks, "Gunmar? What does this have to do with Gunmar?"

"I don't know yet," I quickly reply; taking another sip of the coffee, I feel more awake and further away from the Demon Realm.

With his eyes still on the road, "Well anyway, we're close to the area Nomura said she'd be."

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