Page I Chapter V: Not A Dream

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I gasp awake, lifting up my wrist to see the time. The watch isn't on my wrist, I look around and find it next my my pillow. My mobile phone next to it starts ringing. Lifting it up, I answer the phone and Strickler starts speaking on the other end. 
"Are you still at the School?"

I reply, "Yes, what's the problem?"

"Nothing really, but it seems Nomura called about the fact she has confronted the Trollhunter and during the confrontation she was thrown into the county over." 

The pure stupid expression on my face just says it all. I have no words for this.

"Two counties? Over? What happened?" I express my concern.

"I think, Jim has help from one of the trolls in trollmark-"

I cut Strickler off, "Lets go get her then." I suggest, "Aren't you three a team to get Gunmar back?"

Hearing a sigh on the other end of the phone, "Fine. Lets go then. Do you want coffee on the way?"

"Yes," the last thing to be said. Which is when I remember the bird, who is still chirping. I rush out of the thick sleeping bed and I run to the window, my feet loudly plapping on the cold stone basement floor. I look out the window, I can't see it. It must me on the roof.

I ignore the bird and get ready for the day. Getting dressed, I notice that here I still have my hair. A bit long and could use a cut. Maybe Strickler could help me with that. After dressed, I close up my sleeping bag and roll it up. Placing it close to the boiler with the rest of my stuff. 

Walking up the stairs, I hear a whisper in my ear. You have to be careful... The voice, it must be Luz. Wonder why I aren't waking up there now. Which is when it occurs to me. Maybe I need to be tired to snap from one to the other easily, but that still doesn't explain why some of me is there and the other me is here? Still strange.

My phone buzzes and I check the messages, 'I am out side,' from Strickler. Got to get moving then.

Opening the basement door, which I lock behind me, I walk back through the school and out the front door. I lock the front door too as I am passing through. Then down the front of the school to the road where Strickler is parked.

Once in the car, I buckle my seat belt and the car starts moving. On the way to Nomura's destination, I feel tired because of the car's vibration. 

"Is it ok if I lower the seat? I still feel tired."

"That's fine." Strickler tells me. 

Once the seat is down and my eyes close, I regret it immediately. 

I snap awake, sweaty, still tired and back in the cave on the silk bed. "What?!" I exclaim.

"James?" I hear a whisper beside me, next to the bed.

Looking to my side, I don't see anyone. Getting up from the bed and shifting my legs to the side of the bed, I see Luz behind the bed rest. 

Endless ChronicleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz