Page I Chapter II: I'm Different?

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My vision fades from black to a red tinted sky. A sound of air whooshing past me, I look down. I am falling. I want to yell out but know it is futile. Turning my head, looking around, I can see the red trees below. I brace for impact, but I don't feel it. Just a tug to my shirt. I open my eyes and I see that I've been grabbed, suspended above the ground.

I am flown around the trees and dropped down in the ground. I look to the person, she has dark blue hair.

She kindly greets me with a cute little, "Hi. That must have high fall. What were you doing so high up anyway?"

Taking deep breaths, I try and calm down my heart so I can speak. She tells me to take my time, that it must have been quite the shock. Eventually, after a minute, my heart starts to calms down and I remember that I was in Arcadia. Somethings not right, why am I here?! Actually where is here?! I looks familiar, the trees, the sky, the gigantic white structure I could swear looks like a skeletons arm and maybe some other structures of that same material in the distance. They look like ribs

I finally respond to the girl, "I am fine. Could you please direct me to the nea-."

"Are you Human? Well judging on the fact you don't have pointy ears, am I right? Sorry for interrupting." She asks whilst cutting me off.

"Yes, does that mean you are not human?" I ask over her question.

She tells me that she is a witch and that we are on the boiling isles, that I am not the first human who has been on the isles before. She proceeds to rant for a second, too fast but I discern some words. Like destroying the whole Isles, enslavement and a fake king.

The Boiling Isles? That rings a bell, just not loud enough for me to remember anything. Just enough however to get my brain running in the background. I believe things will process quicker this way. That is right, my brain processes information in the background of my mind. Like a form of computer that has two windows open. One will take in the information and the other will download it in the background. Sorta like that, I think. That's at least what I hope it is, since I don't have any evidence showing my self otherwise.

After a lengthy wait on her part, I respond "Can you take me to town?" This could be a good thing...

She obliges and offers to lift me up on her palisman, to take me to town. Hopping onto the palisman staff, Willow bolts towards the horizon. Eventually reaching the town. Some of my memories are coming back again.

The town is bustling with people and the whole place has a weird difference to it, that I can't explain since I can not remember. There are all sorts of creatures too.

I hop off the Palisman and Willow suggests that she could get her human friend to see me out, If I want. This gets me thinking, I could get out... I can get back to a normal looking place?

Now my brain is stuck on the number three, why is that? Its not like there is a massive number three hanging about. I look around to make sure and no, there isn't.

"That would be nice, thank you." I say as she ascends and leaves to fetch her friend.

After she leaves I look down and notice that someone is struggling to lift something. I walk over to offer help. The cloaked person thanks me and allows me to help. I don't get to see the persons face, but helping them makes me a little uneasy. Lifting the box however is the least I could do for someone who is in need of help. We both lift up boxes to a vehicle shaped like a van. Once in, I lower the box. As I turn around though, the door shuts and I am thrown back by the start up. I yell out but I can't hear my voice.

This is bad.

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