Page IV Chapter IV: The Dream

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Walking over to the desk, I can see that it is a regular leather book. Nothing abnormal about it. But the moment I close to the desk, the chair stationed at the desk shifts away. Standing still out of slight fear, I watch as the pencil rises and the book opens. Then the pencil starts writing. I dare not get closer by pure fear that causes my legs to stand still, frozen to the spot. It's only when the pencil drops and the book is left alone, that I rush towards the desk to read the book.

'Todn ti npaic si lzu em,
Ma I lnivibeis,
Ntdo mkea a dosnu,
Eus het enp ot lpery kcba.'

What on Earth does that mean? It looks like a scrambled sentence. Some of it makes sense, like all the words that are three or two letters. To scramble it- I think it says...

'Don't panic. It is me, Luz.
I am invisible.
Don't make a sound.
Use the pen to reply.'

It wasn't just scrambled in letters but some of the words were also changed around. How bizarre to communicate this way. I pick up the pencil and I start writing my self.

'Yerv elwl,
Oyu aveh em tetnionat.
Uhnret dan Ugs era ocklde wyaa,
hedbni lemat a rodo.
Tacn yplre isth awy,
ouy ilwl a edne isdiuesg.

I replied to Luz asking, for her to reply to me a different way, that she will need a disguise. I don't have to explain further since it is obvious that if the hooded people find out, we could be in trouble as the cat will be out of the bag. Cat out of the bag?

It doesn't take long for nothing to grab at my shoulder. A soft warm whisper comes out of the air, saying ok.

From the sound of the voice, I can definitely tell that it is Luz.

The page we wrote on is ripped out of the book and burnt to a crisp in front of me. Black specks float down to the ground as I hear foot steps walk away.

Suddenly unrelated, the room becomes warmer and visible cracks on the floor fill with a bright orange hue with black chunks of rock melted and swimming around in the hot liquid. I get close to the ground, to one of the cracks. I place my hand to the crack and feel a glass like surface, separating me from the boiling lava. Natural heating? Weird...

In the room, half by myself, the bed next to me shakes a little and Luz speaks again. "I thought, after Belos and the collector, that everything would be peaceful and fun. Now that this has happened, I see that it is impossible for things to be normal and calm."

With those words, my vision goes black as I lie on the bed. It's a memory of some kind, in black and white. A scene plays, two males, in room that looks like an operating theatre. The windows in the room reveal a white background. Nothing beyond them.

The darker figure walks up to the other in a soft passive manner, whilst the other lighter looking figure is in the middle of doing something, the darker figure speaks... "Have you ever heard of the term, 'regression to the mean?'"

In a confused and curious way, the other replies. Still shifting things on the table in front of him. "No."

"It's a bit of a technical way of saying..." there is a pause, "Things will always even out."

The other figure questions the statement, "Like things will always get better?"

"More like things can't always be bad." The darker figure explains.

One of the other, they explain the meaning. "So no matter how bad things get-"

"Or how good..."

"They always come back to the middle."

The vision finishes off, my vision returning back to the crystal room and the bed I lie upon, "Regression to the mean." The last bit of dialogue plays in my mind.

Lying there I think about Luz and what she said. Thinking about how to answer her.

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