Page III Chapter III: New Purpose

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Walking by shops and people walking by, I see how slow everyone is strolling. My heart starts pumping and my legs feel energized. A pull from out to within - I want to run, sprint even. I need to bolt forwards at max speed. So I do just that.

The wind starts to pick up as I gradually gain speed, an invisible force pushing back as I get faster with each step. I pass the first person and hear some curses from behind me. Then the second person is passed and a different comment is made. Then the third, fourth, fifth and eventually everything starts blurring around me. Even the sounds and voice around me become fuzzy and distant as I sprint towards a feeling. 

I pass a corner and see a school. I slow down to a jog. A kid isn't paying attention as he starts to cross the road, as a car turns a corner. 

Something in my mind plays, an outcome too bad to repeat.

With all my force forwards, I sprint down the street and slide to a stop before bolting across the road to the kid. Which the car almost runs over, but I catch the kid in time. Narrowly avoiding the car. A passing beep, sounds pass us.

I let the kid go and he thanks me, running away towards the school.

A second passes, watching the kid go on the schools grounds. 

Beginning to walk away, something grabs at my shoulder. I turn around to see a slightly fat, bent down middle aged man.

Between breaths, "Are... You... Part... Pronghorn? Why... Are... You... So... Fast...?" He straightens up.

I stop him before he completely runs out of breath, "Deep breaths. Take a break before speaking."  Which he does as suggested.

After taking methodical breaths to regain a reasonable amount of oxygen in his body, "You ran faster than that car to save that kid. Who are you? What's your name?"

Rolling my eyes for a second, "I'm James. Who are you, might I ask?"

"I am coach Lawrence. I teach at this school. Now explain to me, how are you so fast?" Lawrence asks. 

A sense of pride, of sorts, arises within me, "I guess... Years of training and running, got me this fast."

"Oh... ok... I thought you might be extra-terrestrial or a mutant." Coach states.

"Maybe, I wouldn't know. I have no memories of my past." I relay to Lawrence. "The only memories I have are those of, well, being in the hospital."

"No memories huh," a familiar voice appears from behind Lawrence. "That is interesting."

From behind Coach Lawrence, Strickler strides out towards me.

"Interesting is one way to see it... I see it more as an irritation." My eyes open widely and I glare expressionless daggers at Strickler. Lucky enough for me, Strickler's attitude doesn't stay this way. That and we will be working together, so he'll change his tune soon. "I'd rather like remember who and what gave me these scars."

"Nice back story, ah umm..." Strickler states, not really knowing my name.

I respond in straight forwards and polite manner, "It's James."

"Well, James, Principle Levit saw what you did. He wants to see you in his office."

I sigh, following Strickler without any further complaints or comments.

From the school grass to the school path, the into the school. But as I walk, I watch as the school kids glance in my direction. One after the other. A tense feeling clutches to my chest and flash image snaps into my mind. Images of a different school. My guess is, that it could be that of my past. A feeling of being small. A tensing sensation comes upon my muscles and I tense them. I feel an overwhelming sense of determination and calmness. Puffing up a chest a little and performing a certain stride, replicating Strickler a bit, I walk behind with a twinge swagger. Owning the attention is much better than falling under its gaze, I guess.

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