Page IX Chapter III: New Purpose

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Whilst waiting, I get a feeling that something wrong is going to happen. I grab the phone Strickler set up for me and call him. I rings twice and he picks up, "James? What is it?"

"Something is wrong, can you pick me up?"

"Ok..." Strickler says and the phone hangs up. 

I jump down from the boxes and run back upstairs, towards the front of the school. It doesn't take long and I wait at the front door. A few seconds pass and I see Strickler's car park up front. Opening the front door and locking it behind me, I run to the car and get inside. 

"What's wrong?" Strickler asks.

I respond quickly, "I don't know yet, but for now I need you to take me with."

He sighs. The car's engine starts as Strickler turns the keys. With the car moving I can see that I am being driven towards the Museum. Nomura stands at the entrance of the Museum, waiting.

Parking the car, Nomura then walk us into the building. Nomura starts complaining about the goblins to Strickler, which I can see he doesn't care at all about. Strickler then states in an evil ominous tone, "I will see that your mess gets cleaned up." Opening the curtains, I see Bular standing tall. He's sharpening his blade on his arm, and at the sight of Nomura he grunts.

With words like salt in an open wound, "I am sorry, you have been compromised."

Nomura begins to beg for her life. Bular walks slowly towards Nomura.

I look at the room ahead of me and I see a green glow by a box stationed at the far wall. Walking around Bular and towards the glow, I reach the item the glow comes from and I pick it up. 

Bular lifts his blade but I cut the sounds with my voice, "What's this?"

Everyone looks my way. Strickler speaks first but Nomura cuts him off, "The fetch?-"

"Yes, that's right. I acquired the fetch."

Bular looks back to Nomura, from the fetch, "The fetch? More changelings?"

Strickler is halfway through his comment when Bular interrupts him, telling him to be quiet. Then back to Nomura, telling her to continue, she explains to him how his father would be proud to see their legion grow. The exact comment I told Bular at the other bridge that one night. After Nomura plea's, Bular tells her to 'prepare the exchange'.

"In case we are ever one changeling short."

Strickler walks up to me, after Bular walks away. "Was that what was wrong?"

"I believe so," I respond.

After walking back to the car, Nomura catches up to me. "Thank you, James."

I respond back, "No problem. Just looking out for the team."

Getting in the car and closing the door, I can see her mouthing out the words team as the car starts and leaves.

It played exactly how it was supposed to, I think. Driving back to the school, we both go back through the corridors and down into the basement. Which is where we start to change our clothes in silence. After changing our clothes, Strickler turns off the light and we both get into our sleeping bags. The boiler furnace being the only source of light. A moment of silence goes by and he asks me a question, "Would Nomura have died, if you hadn't interrupted?"

"No, I respond. I don't think so. It did however, save her a bunch of stress and worry. Since she wasn't fully attacked." The memory of the original event plays in my foremind, "I don't think you are fully save with Bular around, don't you think."

There's more silence before Strickler speaks again, "Yes you are right, but what am I to do?"

"There is always the Trollhunter, which later on finds out that you are a changeling."

"Yes, you've said."

"In time, I can get my self into his little gang and keep tabs on them. Tell you where they are, so you can plot against them whilst I regain my memories and find another path that'll work for all of us." I say, yawning.

"Better get to bed, won't you." He replies back.

The silence, accompanied by the outside rain, it goes dark and I am thrust back into my dream.

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